Building OSGeoLive Documentation ================================ The following steps describe how to build OSGeoLive_ documentation on an Ubuntu based operating system (such as Lubuntu). - automated publication of latest docs from GitHub. You can see the [build script here](.travis.yml). About OSGeoLive ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OSGeoLive_ is a self-contained bootable DVD, USB thumb drive or Virtual Machine based on Lubuntu, that allows you to try a wide variety of open source geospatial software without installing anything. It is composed entirely of free software, allowing it to be freely distributed, duplicated and passed around. reStructured Text ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The majority of OSGeoLive documentation is generated from reStructured text (reSt) sources using Sphinx. reSt is similar to wiki markup, and readable in plain ASCII. As a quick check, GitHub will (partially) render reSt documents as HTML. Build steps ~~~~~~~~~~~ Following the steps below on the OSGeoLive Virtual Machine itself is one of the easiest ways to build the OSGeoLive documentation. First install Python and create a virtual environment. 1.0 Requirements You might need to install `git` and `cmake` if they are not on your system yet. :: # Install git and cmake sudo apt-get install git cmake 1.1. For Python 2 :: # Install pip sudo apt-get install python-pip # Prepare python environment pip install virtualenv virtualenv py-env # activate the environment source py-env/bin/activate 1.2. For Python 3 :: # Install pip sudo apt-get install python3-pip sudo apt-get install python3-venv # Prepare python environment python3 -m venv py-env # activate the environment source py-env/bin/activate 2. Install the requirements :: # Python requirements pip install sphinx==1.6.5 pip install sphinx-intl pip install sphinxjp.themes.revealjs # Requirements for the presentation sudo apt-get install cpanminus sudo cpanm Text::SimpleTable::AutoWidth 3. Clone or download OSGeoLive source documentation :: git clone 4. Generate the English documentation :: cd OSGeoLive-doc mkdir build cd build cmake -DHTML=ON .. make cd .. The output is in `build/doc/_build/html/` 5. Generate another language documentation :: cd build cmake -DHTML=ON -DFR=ON .. make cd .. Adding -DFR=ON adds the French language, adding another -DES=ON adds Spanish, and so on. The output is also in `build/doc/_build/html/` 6. To build all available languages :: cd build cmake -DHTML=ON -DALL_LANG=ON .. make cd .. 7. *Optional*: reduce the size of the generated documentation :: bash scripts/ Contributing: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Information about how to document the projects on OSGeoLive can be found on the OSGeoLive wiki: * `How to document a project `__ * `How to configure project documentation `__ * `How to document the overview file `__ * `How to document the quickstart file `__ References: ~~~~~~~~~~~ * * * * * - automated publication of latest docs from GitHub .. _OSGeoLive: