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2020-12-23 18:34:09 -08:00
<map id="geos::noding::SegmentNodeList" name="geos::noding::SegmentNodeList">
<area shape="rect" id="node2" href="$classgeos_1_1noding_1_1NodedSegmentString.html" title="Represents a list of contiguous line segments, and supports noding the segments. " alt="" coords="101,191,315,235"/>
<area shape="rect" id="node3" href="$classgeos_1_1noding_1_1NodableSegmentString.html" title="An interface for classes which support adding nodes to a segment string. " alt="" coords="256,83,480,127"/>
<area shape="rect" id="node4" href="$classgeos_1_1noding_1_1SegmentString.html" title="An interface for classes which represent a sequence of contiguous line segments. " alt="" coords="264,5,472,33"/>