GEOS  3.9.1dev
geos::math::DD Member List

This is the complete list of members for geos::math::DD, including all inherited members.

abs(const DD &d)geos::math::DDstatic
ceil() const geos::math::DD
DD(double p_hi, double p_lo)geos::math::DDinline
DD(double x)geos::math::DDinline
determinant(const DD &x1, const DD &y1, const DD &x2, const DD &y2)geos::math::DDstatic
determinant(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)geos::math::DDstatic
doubleValue() const geos::math::DD
floor() const geos::math::DD
intValue() const geos::math::DD
isNaN() const geos::math::DD
isNegative() const geos::math::DD
isPositive() const geos::math::DD
isZero() const geos::math::DD
negate() const geos::math::DD
operator!=(const DD &rhs) const geos::math::DDinline
operator*(const DD &lhs, const DD &rhs)geos::math::DDfriend
operator*(const DD &lhs, double rhs)geos::math::DDfriend
operator+(const DD &lhs, const DD &rhs)geos::math::DDfriend
operator+(const DD &lhs, double rhs)geos::math::DDfriend
operator-(const DD &lhs, const DD &rhs)geos::math::DDfriend
operator-(const DD &lhs, double rhs)geos::math::DDfriend
operator/(const DD &lhs, const DD &rhs)geos::math::DDfriend
operator/(const DD &lhs, double rhs)geos::math::DDfriend
operator<(const DD &rhs) const geos::math::DDinline
operator<=(const DD &rhs) const geos::math::DDinline
operator==(const DD &rhs) const geos::math::DDinline
operator>(const DD &rhs) const geos::math::DDinline
operator>=(const DD &rhs) const geos::math::DDinline
pow(const DD &d, int exp)geos::math::DDstatic
reciprocal() const geos::math::DD
rint() const geos::math::DDprivate
selfAdd(const DD &d)geos::math::DD
selfAdd(double p_hi, double p_lo)geos::math::DD
selfAdd(double y)geos::math::DD
selfDivide(double p_hi, double p_lo)geos::math::DD
selfDivide(const DD &d)geos::math::DD
selfDivide(double y)geos::math::DD
selfMultiply(double p_hi, double p_lo)geos::math::DD
selfMultiply(const DD &d)geos::math::DD
selfMultiply(double y)geos::math::DD
selfSubtract(const DD &d)geos::math::DD
selfSubtract(double p_hi, double p_lo)geos::math::DD
selfSubtract(double y)geos::math::DD
signum() const geos::math::DDprivate
ToDouble() const geos::math::DDinline
trunc(const DD &d)geos::math::DDstatic