
264 lines
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-- For documentation of Lua tag transformations see
-- https://osm2pgsql.org/doc/manual.html#the-pgsql-output
-- Objects with any of the following keys will be treated as polygon
polygon_keys = {
-- Objects without any of the following keys will be deleted
generic_keys = {
-- The following keys will be deleted
delete_tags = {
-- Array used to specify z_order per key/value combination.
-- Each element has the form {key, value, z_order, is_road}.
-- If is_road=1, the object will be added to planet_osm_roads.
zordering_tags = {{ 'railway', nil, 5, 1}, { 'boundary', 'administrative', 0, 1},
{ 'bridge', 'yes', 10, 0 }, { 'bridge', 'true', 10, 0 }, { 'bridge', 1, 10, 0 },
{ 'tunnel', 'yes', -10, 0}, { 'tunnel', 'true', -10, 0}, { 'tunnel', 1, -10, 0},
{ 'highway', 'minor', 3, 0}, { 'highway', 'road', 3, 0 }, { 'highway', 'unclassified', 3, 0 },
{ 'highway', 'residential', 3, 0 }, { 'highway', 'tertiary_link', 4, 0}, { 'highway', 'tertiary', 4, 0},
{ 'highway', 'secondary_link', 6, 1}, { 'highway', 'secondary', 6, 1},
{ 'highway', 'primary_link', 7, 1}, { 'highway', 'primary', 7, 1},
{ 'highway', 'trunk_link', 8, 1}, { 'highway', 'trunk', 8, 1},
{ 'highway', 'motorway_link', 9, 1}, { 'highway', 'motorway', 9, 1},
function add_z_order(keyvalues)
-- The default z_order is 0
z_order = 0
-- Add the value of the layer key times 10 to z_order
if (keyvalues["layer"] ~= nil and tonumber(keyvalues["layer"])) then
z_order = 10*keyvalues["layer"]
-- Increase or decrease z_order based on the specific key/value combination as specified in zordering_tags
for i,k in ipairs(zordering_tags) do
-- If the value in zordering_tags is specified, match key and value. Otherwise, match key only.
if ((k[2] and keyvalues[k[1]] == k[2]) or (k[2] == nil and keyvalues[k[1]] ~= nil)) then
-- If the fourth component of the element of zordering_tags is 1, add the object to planet_osm_roads
if (k[4] == 1) then
roads = 1
z_order = z_order + k[3]
-- Add z_order as key/value combination
keyvalues["z_order"] = z_order
return keyvalues, roads
-- Filtering on nodes, ways, and relations
function filter_tags_generic(keyvalues, numberofkeys)
filter = 0 -- Will object be filtered out?
-- Filter out objects with 0 tags
if numberofkeys == 0 then
filter = 1
return filter, keyvalues
-- Delete tags listed in delete_tags
for i,k in ipairs(delete_tags) do
keyvalues[k] = nil
-- Filter out objects that do not have any of the keys in generic_keys
tagcount = 0
for k,v in pairs(keyvalues) do
for i, k2 in ipairs(generic_keys) do
if k2 == k then
tagcount = tagcount + 1
if tagcount == 0 then
filter = 1
return filter, keyvalues
-- Filtering on nodes
function filter_tags_node (keyvalues, numberofkeys)
return filter_tags_generic(keyvalues, numberofkeys)
-- Filtering on relations
function filter_basic_tags_rel (keyvalues, numberofkeys)
-- Filter out objects that are filtered out by filter_tags_generic
filter, keyvalues = filter_tags_generic(keyvalues, numberofkeys)
if filter == 1 then
return filter, keyvalues
-- Filter out all relations except route, multipolygon and boundary relations
if ((keyvalues["type"] ~= "route") and (keyvalues["type"] ~= "multipolygon") and (keyvalues["type"] ~= "boundary")) then
filter = 1
return filter, keyvalues
return filter, keyvalues
-- Filtering on ways
function filter_tags_way (keyvalues, numberofkeys)
filter = 0 -- Will object be filtered out?
polygon = 0 -- Will object be treated as polygon?
roads = 0 -- Will object be added to planet_osm_roads?
-- Filter out objects that are filtered out by filter_tags_generic
filter, keyvalues = filter_tags_generic(keyvalues, numberofkeys)
if filter == 1 then
return filter, keyvalues, polygon, roads
-- Treat objects with a key in polygon_keys as polygon
for i,k in ipairs(polygon_keys) do
if keyvalues[k] then
-- Treat objects tagged as area=yes, area=1, or area=true as polygon,
-- and treat objects tagged as area=no, area=0, or area=false not as polygon
if ((keyvalues["area"] == "yes") or (keyvalues["area"] == "1") or (keyvalues["area"] == "true")) then
polygon = 1;
elseif ((keyvalues["area"] == "no") or (keyvalues["area"] == "0") or (keyvalues["area"] == "false")) then
polygon = 0;
-- Add z_order key/value combination and determine if the object should also be added to planet_osm_roads
keyvalues, roads = add_z_order(keyvalues)
return filter, keyvalues, polygon, roads
function filter_tags_relation_member (keyvalues, keyvaluemembers, roles, membercount)
filter = 0 -- Will object be filtered out?
linestring = 0 -- Will object be treated as linestring?
polygon = 0 -- Will object be treated as polygon?
roads = 0 -- Will object be added to planet_osm_roads?
type = keyvalues["type"]
-- Remove type key
keyvalues["type"] = nil
-- Relations with type=boundary are treated as linestring
if (type == "boundary") then
linestring = 1
-- Relations with type=multipolygon and boundary=* are treated as linestring
if ((type == "multipolygon") and keyvalues["boundary"]) then
linestring = 1
-- For multipolygons...
elseif (type == "multipolygon") then
-- Treat as polygon
polygon = 1
-- Add z_order key/value combination and determine if the object should also be added to planet_osm_roads
keyvalues, roads = add_z_order(keyvalues)
return filter, keyvalues, {}, linestring, polygon, roads