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* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
* This file is part of osm2pgsql (https://osm2pgsql.org/).
* Copyright (C) 2006-2024 by the osm2pgsql developer community.
* For a full list of authors see the git log.
#include <catch.hpp>
#include <random>
#include <set>
#include "expire-tiles.hpp"
#include "reprojection.hpp"
#include "tile-output.hpp"
#include "tile.hpp"
namespace {
std::shared_ptr<reprojection> defproj{
std::set<tile_t> generate_random(uint32_t zoom, size_t count)
// Use a random device with a fixed seed. We don't really care about
// the quality of random numbers here, we just need to generate valid
// OSM test data. The fixed seed ensures that the results are
// reproducible.
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(cert-msc32-c,cert-msc51-cpp)
static std::mt19937_64 rng{47382};
std::uniform_int_distribution<uint32_t> dist{0, (1U << zoom) - 1U};
std::set<tile_t> set;
do {
set.emplace(zoom, dist(rng), dist(rng));
} while (set.size() < count);
return set;
void expire_centroids(expire_tiles *et, std::set<tile_t> const &tiles)
for (auto const &t : tiles) {
auto const p = t.center();
et->from_bbox({p.x(), p.y(), p.x(), p.y()}, expire_config_t{});
void check_quadkey(quadkey_t quadkey_expected, tile_t const &tile) noexcept
CHECK(tile.quadkey() == quadkey_expected);
auto const t = tile_t::from_quadkey(quadkey_expected, tile.zoom());
CHECK(t == tile);
std::vector<tile_t> get_tiles_ordered(expire_tiles *et, uint32_t minzoom,
uint32_t maxzoom)
std::vector<tile_t> tiles;
for_each_tile(et->get_tiles(), minzoom, maxzoom,
[&](tile_t const &tile) { tiles.push_back(tile); });
return tiles;
std::set<tile_t> get_tiles_unordered(expire_tiles *et, uint32_t zoom)
std::set<tile_t> tiles;
for_each_tile(et->get_tiles(), zoom, zoom,
[&](tile_t const &tile) { tiles.insert(tile); });
return tiles;
} // anonymous namespace
TEST_CASE("tile to quadkey", "[NoDB]")
check_quadkey(quadkey_t{0x27}, tile_t{3, 3, 5});
check_quadkey(quadkey_t{0xffffffff}, tile_t{16, 65535, 65535});
check_quadkey(quadkey_t{0xfffffffff}, tile_t{18, 262143, 262143});
check_quadkey(quadkey_t{0x3fffffff0}, tile_t{18, 131068, 131068});
TEST_CASE("simple expire z1", "[NoDB]")
uint32_t const minzoom = 1;
uint32_t const maxzoom = 1;
expire_tiles et{minzoom, defproj};
// as big a bbox as possible at the origin to dirty all four
// quadrants of the world.
et.from_bbox({-10000, -10000, 10000, 10000}, expire_config_t{});
auto const tiles = get_tiles_ordered(&et, minzoom, maxzoom);
CHECK(tiles.size() == 4);
auto itr = tiles.begin();
CHECK(*(itr++) == tile_t(1, 0, 0));
CHECK(*(itr++) == tile_t(1, 1, 0));
CHECK(*(itr++) == tile_t(1, 0, 1));
CHECK(*(itr++) == tile_t(1, 1, 1));
TEST_CASE("simple expire z3", "[NoDB]")
uint32_t const minzoom = 3;
uint32_t const maxzoom = 3;
expire_tiles et{minzoom, defproj};
// as big a bbox as possible at the origin to dirty all four
// quadrants of the world.
et.from_bbox({-10000, -10000, 10000, 10000}, expire_config_t{});
auto const tiles = get_tiles_ordered(&et, minzoom, maxzoom);
CHECK(tiles.size() == 4);
auto itr = tiles.begin();
CHECK(*(itr++) == tile_t(3, 3, 3));
CHECK(*(itr++) == tile_t(3, 4, 3));
CHECK(*(itr++) == tile_t(3, 3, 4));
CHECK(*(itr++) == tile_t(3, 4, 4));
TEST_CASE("simple expire z18", "[NoDB]")
uint32_t const minzoom = 18;
uint32_t const maxzoom = 18;
expire_tiles et{minzoom, defproj};
// dirty a smaller bbox this time, as at z18 the scale is
// pretty small.
et.from_bbox({-1, -1, 1, 1}, expire_config_t{});
auto const tiles = get_tiles_ordered(&et, minzoom, maxzoom);
CHECK(tiles.size() == 4);
auto itr = tiles.begin();
CHECK(*(itr++) == tile_t(18, 131071, 131071));
CHECK(*(itr++) == tile_t(18, 131072, 131071));
CHECK(*(itr++) == tile_t(18, 131071, 131072));
CHECK(*(itr++) == tile_t(18, 131072, 131072));
TEST_CASE("simple expire z10 bounds 0, 0", "[NoDB]")
uint32_t const minzoom = 10;
uint32_t const maxzoom = 10;
expire_tiles et{minzoom, defproj};
et.from_geometry(geom::point_t{-20037508.34, 20037508.34},
auto const tiles = get_tiles_ordered(&et, minzoom, maxzoom);
CHECK(tiles.size() == 1);
auto itr = tiles.begin();
CHECK(*(itr++) == tile_t(10, 0, 0));
TEST_CASE("simple expire z10 bounds 0, 1023", "[NoDB]")
uint32_t const minzoom = 10;
uint32_t const maxzoom = 10;
expire_tiles et{minzoom, defproj};
et.from_geometry(geom::point_t{-20037508.34, -20037508.34},
auto const tiles = get_tiles_ordered(&et, minzoom, maxzoom);
CHECK(tiles.size() == 1);
auto itr = tiles.begin();
CHECK(*(itr++) == tile_t(10, 0, 1023));
TEST_CASE("simple expire z10 bounds 1023, 0", "[NoDB]")
uint32_t const minzoom = 10;
uint32_t const maxzoom = 10;
expire_tiles et{minzoom, defproj};
et.from_geometry(geom::point_t{20037508.34, 20037508.34},
auto const tiles = get_tiles_ordered(&et, minzoom, maxzoom);
CHECK(tiles.size() == 1);
auto itr = tiles.begin();
CHECK(*(itr++) == tile_t(10, 1023, 0));
TEST_CASE("simple expire z10 bounds 1023, 1023", "[NoDB]")
uint32_t const minzoom = 10;
uint32_t const maxzoom = 10;
expire_tiles et{minzoom, defproj};
et.from_geometry(geom::point_t{20037508.34, -20037508.34},
auto const tiles = get_tiles_ordered(&et, minzoom, maxzoom);
CHECK(tiles.size() == 1);
auto itr = tiles.begin();
CHECK(*(itr++) == tile_t(10, 1023, 1023));
TEST_CASE("expire a simple line", "[NoDB]")
uint32_t const zoom = 18;
expire_tiles et{zoom, defproj};
geom::linestring_t{{1398725.0, 7493354.0}, {1399030.0, 7493354.0}},
auto const tiles = get_tiles_ordered(&et, zoom, zoom);
CHECK(tiles.size() == 3);
auto itr = tiles.begin();
CHECK(*(itr++) == tile_t(18, 140221, 82055));
CHECK(*(itr++) == tile_t(18, 140222, 82055));
CHECK(*(itr++) == tile_t(18, 140223, 82055));
TEST_CASE("expire a line near the tile border", "[NoDB]")
uint32_t const zoom = 18;
expire_tiles et{zoom, defproj};
geom::linestring_t{{1398945.0, 7493267.0}, {1398960.0, 7493282.0}},
auto const tiles = get_tiles_ordered(&et, zoom, zoom);
REQUIRE(tiles.size() == 4);
auto itr = tiles.begin();
CHECK(*(itr++) == tile_t(18, 140222, 82055));
CHECK(*(itr++) == tile_t(18, 140223, 82055));
CHECK(*(itr++) == tile_t(18, 140222, 82056));
CHECK(*(itr++) == tile_t(18, 140223, 82056));
TEST_CASE("expire a u-shaped linestring", "[NoDB]")
uint32_t const zoom = 18;
expire_tiles et{zoom, defproj};
et.from_geometry(geom::linestring_t{{1398586.0, 7493485.0},
{1398575.0, 7493347.0},
{1399020.0, 7493344.0},
{1399012.0, 7493470.0}},
auto const tiles = get_tiles_unordered(&et, zoom);
REQUIRE(tiles.size() == 6);
CHECK(tiles.count(tile_t(18, 140220, 82054)) == 1);
CHECK(tiles.count(tile_t(18, 140220, 82055)) == 1);
CHECK(tiles.count(tile_t(18, 140221, 82055)) == 1);
CHECK(tiles.count(tile_t(18, 140222, 82055)) == 1);
CHECK(tiles.count(tile_t(18, 140223, 82055)) == 1);
CHECK(tiles.count(tile_t(18, 140223, 82054)) == 1);
TEST_CASE("expire longer horizontal line", "[NoDB]")
uint32_t const zoom = 18;
expire_tiles et{zoom, defproj};
geom::linestring_t{{1397815.0, 7493800.0}, {1399316.0, 7493780.0}},
auto const tiles = get_tiles_unordered(&et, zoom);
REQUIRE(tiles.size() == 11);
for (uint32_t x = 140215; x <= 140225; ++x) {
CHECK(tiles.count(tile_t(18, x, 82052)) == 1);
TEST_CASE("expire longer diagonal line", "[NoDB]")
uint32_t const zoom = 18;
expire_tiles et{zoom, defproj};
geom::linestring_t{{1398427.0, 7494118.0}, {1398869.0, 7493189.0}},
auto const tiles = get_tiles_unordered(&et, zoom);
REQUIRE(tiles.size() == 14);
CHECK(tiles.count(tile_t(18, 140219, 82050)) == 1);
CHECK(tiles.count(tile_t(18, 140220, 82050)) == 1);
CHECK(tiles.count(tile_t(18, 140219, 82051)) == 1);
CHECK(tiles.count(tile_t(18, 140220, 82051)) == 1);
CHECK(tiles.count(tile_t(18, 140219, 82052)) == 1);
CHECK(tiles.count(tile_t(18, 140220, 82052)) == 1);
CHECK(tiles.count(tile_t(18, 140221, 82052)) == 1);
CHECK(tiles.count(tile_t(18, 140220, 82053)) == 1);
CHECK(tiles.count(tile_t(18, 140221, 82053)) == 1);
CHECK(tiles.count(tile_t(18, 140221, 82054)) == 1);
CHECK(tiles.count(tile_t(18, 140221, 82055)) == 1);
CHECK(tiles.count(tile_t(18, 140222, 82055)) == 1);
CHECK(tiles.count(tile_t(18, 140221, 82056)) == 1);
CHECK(tiles.count(tile_t(18, 140222, 82056)) == 1);
* Test tile expiry on two zoom levels.
TEST_CASE("simple expire z17 and z18", "[NoDB]")
uint32_t const minzoom = 17;
uint32_t const maxzoom = 18;
expire_tiles et{maxzoom, defproj};
// dirty a smaller bbox this time, as at z18 the scale is
// pretty small.
et.from_bbox({-1, -1, 1, 1}, expire_config_t{});
auto const tiles = get_tiles_ordered(&et, minzoom, maxzoom);
CHECK(tiles.size() == 8);
auto itr = tiles.begin();
CHECK(*(itr++) == tile_t(18, 131071, 131071));
CHECK(*(itr++) == tile_t(17, 65535, 65535));
CHECK(*(itr++) == tile_t(18, 131072, 131071));
CHECK(*(itr++) == tile_t(17, 65536, 65535));
CHECK(*(itr++) == tile_t(18, 131071, 131072));
CHECK(*(itr++) == tile_t(17, 65535, 65536));
CHECK(*(itr++) == tile_t(18, 131072, 131072));
CHECK(*(itr++) == tile_t(17, 65536, 65536));
* Similar to test_expire_simple_z17_18 but now all z18 tiles are children
* of the same z17 tile.
TEST_CASE("simple expire z17 and z18 in one superior tile", "[NoDB]")
uint32_t const minzoom = 17;
uint32_t const maxzoom = 18;
expire_tiles et{maxzoom, defproj};
et.from_bbox({-163, 140, -140, 164}, expire_config_t{});
auto const tiles = get_tiles_ordered(&et, minzoom, maxzoom);
CHECK(tiles.size() == 5);
auto itr = tiles.begin();
CHECK(*(itr++) == tile_t(18, 131070, 131070));
CHECK(*(itr++) == tile_t(17, 65535, 65535));
CHECK(*(itr++) == tile_t(18, 131071, 131070));
CHECK(*(itr++) == tile_t(18, 131070, 131071));
CHECK(*(itr++) == tile_t(18, 131071, 131071));
* Expiring a set of tile centroids means that those tiles get expired.
TEST_CASE("expire centroids", "[NoDB]")
uint32_t const zoom = 18;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
expire_tiles et{zoom, defproj};
auto check_set = generate_random(zoom, 100);
expire_centroids(&et, check_set);
auto const set = get_tiles_unordered(&et, zoom);
CHECK(set == check_set);
* After expiring a random set of tiles in one expire_tiles object
* and a different set in another, when they are merged together they are the
* same as if the union of the sets of tiles had been expired.
TEST_CASE("merge expire sets", "[NoDB]")
uint32_t const zoom = 18;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
expire_tiles et{zoom, defproj};
expire_tiles et1{zoom, defproj};
expire_tiles et2{zoom, defproj};
auto check_set1 = generate_random(zoom, 100);
expire_centroids(&et1, check_set1);
auto check_set2 = generate_random(zoom, 100);
expire_centroids(&et2, check_set2);
auto const set = get_tiles_unordered(&et, zoom);
CHECK(set == check_set1);
* Merging two identical sets results in the same set. This guarantees that
* we check some pathways of the merging which possibly could be skipped by
* the random tile set in the previous test.
TEST_CASE("merge identical expire sets", "[NoDB]")
uint32_t const zoom = 18;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
expire_tiles et{zoom, defproj};
expire_tiles et1{zoom, defproj};
expire_tiles et2{zoom, defproj};
auto const check_set = generate_random(zoom, 100);
expire_centroids(&et1, check_set);
expire_centroids(&et2, check_set);
auto const set = get_tiles_unordered(&et, zoom);
CHECK(set == check_set);
* Make sure that we're testing the case where some tiles are in both.
TEST_CASE("merge overlapping expire sets", "[NoDB]")
uint32_t const zoom = 18;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
expire_tiles et{zoom, defproj};
expire_tiles et1{zoom, defproj};
expire_tiles et2{zoom, defproj};
auto check_set1 = generate_random(zoom, 100);
expire_centroids(&et1, check_set1);
auto check_set2 = generate_random(zoom, 100);
expire_centroids(&et2, check_set2);
auto check_set3 = generate_random(zoom, 100);
expire_centroids(&et1, check_set3);
expire_centroids(&et2, check_set3);
auto const set = get_tiles_unordered(&et, zoom);
CHECK(set == check_set1);
* The set union still works when we expire large contiguous areas of tiles
* (i.e: ensure that we handle the "complete" flag correctly)
TEST_CASE("merge with complete flag", "[NoDB]")
uint32_t const zoom = 18;
expire_tiles et{zoom, defproj};
expire_tiles et0{zoom, defproj};
expire_tiles et1{zoom, defproj};
expire_tiles et2{zoom, defproj};
// et1&2 are two halves of et0's box
et0.from_bbox({-10000, -10000, 10000, 10000}, expire_config_t{});
et1.from_bbox({-10000, -10000, 0, 10000}, expire_config_t{});
et2.from_bbox({0, -10000, 10000, 10000}, expire_config_t{});
auto const set = get_tiles_unordered(&et, zoom);
auto const set0 = get_tiles_unordered(&et0, zoom);
CHECK(set == set0);