
113 lines
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* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
* This file is part of osm2pgsql (https://osm2pgsql.org/).
* Copyright (C) 2006-2024 by the osm2pgsql developer community.
* For a full list of authors see the git log.
#include <catch.hpp>
#include "node-locations.hpp"
TEST_CASE("node locations basics", "[NoDB]")
node_locations_t nl;
REQUIRE(nl.size() == 0);
REQUIRE(nl.set(3, {1.2, 3.4}));
REQUIRE(nl.set(5, {5.6, 7.8}));
REQUIRE(nl.size() == 2);
REQUIRE(nl.get(1) == osmium::Location{});
REQUIRE(nl.get(4) == osmium::Location{});
REQUIRE(nl.get(6) == osmium::Location{});
REQUIRE(nl.get(100) == osmium::Location{});
REQUIRE(nl.get(3) == osmium::Location{1.2, 3.4});
REQUIRE(nl.get(5) == osmium::Location{5.6, 7.8});
REQUIRE(nl.size() == 0);
TEST_CASE("node locations in more than one block", "[NoDB]")
node_locations_t nl;
osmid_t max_id = 0;
SECTION("max_id 0") {
max_id = 0;
SECTION("max_id 31") {
max_id = 31;
SECTION("max_id 32") {
max_id = 32;
SECTION("max_id 33") {
max_id = 33;
SECTION("max_id 64") {
max_id = 64;
SECTION("max_id 80") {
max_id = 80;
for (osmid_t id = 1; id <= max_id; ++id) {
{static_cast<double>(id) + 0.1, static_cast<double>(id) + 0.2});
REQUIRE(static_cast<osmid_t>(nl.size()) == max_id);
for (osmid_t id = 1; id <= max_id; ++id) {
auto const location = nl.get(id);
REQUIRE(location.lon() == id + 0.1);
REQUIRE(location.lat() == id + 0.2);
TEST_CASE("huge ids should work", "[NoDB]")
node_locations_t nl;
REQUIRE(nl.set(1ULL, {1.0, 9.9}));
REQUIRE(nl.set(1ULL << 16U, {1.1, 9.8}));
REQUIRE(nl.set(1ULL << 32U, {1.2, 9.7}));
REQUIRE(nl.set(1ULL << 48U, {1.3, 9.6}));
REQUIRE(nl.size() == 4);
REQUIRE(nl.get(1ULL) == osmium::Location{1.0, 9.9});
REQUIRE(nl.get(1ULL << 16U) == osmium::Location{1.1, 9.8});
REQUIRE(nl.get(1ULL << 32U) == osmium::Location{1.2, 9.7});
REQUIRE(nl.get(1ULL << 48U) == osmium::Location{1.3, 9.6});
REQUIRE(nl.get(2ULL) == osmium::Location{});
REQUIRE(nl.get(1ULL << 40U) == osmium::Location{});
REQUIRE(nl.get((1ULL << 48U) + 1U) == osmium::Location{});
REQUIRE(nl.get((1ULL << 48U) - 1U) == osmium::Location{});
TEST_CASE("full node locations store", "[NoDB]")
node_locations_t nl{30};
REQUIRE(nl.size() == 0);
REQUIRE(nl.set(3, {1.2, 3.4}));
REQUIRE_FALSE(nl.set(5, {5.6, 7.8}));
REQUIRE(nl.size() == 1);