
78 lines
2.7 KiB

* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
* This file is part of osm2pgsql (https://osm2pgsql.org/).
* Copyright (C) 2006-2024 by the osm2pgsql developer community.
* For a full list of authors see the git log.
#include <catch.hpp>
#include "common-import.hpp"
#include "common-options.hpp"
namespace {
testing::db::import_t db;
char const *const conf_file = "test_output_flex.lua";
char const *const points = "osm2pgsql_test_point";
char const *const lines = "osm2pgsql_test_line";
} // anonymous namespace
TEST_CASE("with three input files")
options_t options = testing::opt_t().slim().flex(conf_file);
db.run_import(options, {"n10 v1 dV x10.0 y10.0\n"
"n11 v1 dV x10.0 y10.2\n"
"w20 v1 dV Thighway=primary Nn10,n11,n12\n",
"n12 v1 dV x10.2 y10.2\n"
"w21 v1 dV Thighway=secondary Nn12,n10\n",
"n13 v1 dV x11.0 y11.0 Tamenity=postbox\n"}));
auto conn = db.db().connect();
CHECK(1 == conn.get_count(points));
CHECK(2 == conn.get_count(lines));
CHECK(1 == conn.get_count(lines, "tags->'highway' = 'primary'"));
CHECK(1 == conn.get_count(lines, "tags->'highway' = 'secondary'"));
CHECK(1 == conn.get_count(lines, "ST_NumPoints(geom) = 3"));
CHECK(1 == conn.get_count(lines, "ST_NumPoints(geom) = 2"));
options.append = true;
REQUIRE_NOTHROW(db.run_import(options, "n10 v2 dV x11.0 y11.0\n"));
CHECK(1 == conn.get_count(points));
CHECK(2 == conn.get_count(lines));
CHECK(1 == conn.get_count(lines, "ST_NumPoints(geom) = 3"));
CHECK(1 == conn.get_count(lines, "ST_NumPoints(geom) = 2"));
TEST_CASE("should use newest version of any object")
options_t const options = testing::opt_t().slim().flex(conf_file);
db.run_import(options, {"n10 v1 dV x10.0 y10.0 Ta=10.1\n"
"n11 v1 dV x10.1 y10.1 Ta=11.1\n"
"n12 v1 dV x10.2 y10.2 Ta=12.1\n",
"n13 v2 dV x10.3 y10.3 Ta=13.2\n",
"n10 v1 dV x10.0 y10.0 Ta=10.1\n"
"n11 v2 dV x10.1 y10.2 Ta=11.2\n"
"n13 v1 dV x10.3 y10.3 Ta=13.1\n"}));
auto conn = db.db().connect();
CHECK(4 == conn.get_count(points));
CHECK(1 == conn.get_count(points, "tags->'a' = '10.1'")); // both the same
CHECK(1 == conn.get_count(points, "tags->'a' = '11.2'"));
CHECK(1 == conn.get_count(points, "tags->'a' = '12.1'")); // only one
CHECK(1 == conn.get_count(points, "tags->'a' = '13.2'"));