
110 lines
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* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
* This file is part of osm2pgsql (https://osm2pgsql.org/).
* Copyright (C) 2006-2024 by the osm2pgsql developer community.
* For a full list of authors see the git log.
#include <catch.hpp>
#include "node-persistent-cache.hpp"
#include "common-cleanup.hpp"
namespace {
void write_and_read_location(node_persistent_cache *cache, osmid_t id, double x,
double y)
cache->set(id, osmium::Location{x, y});
REQUIRE(osmium::Location(x, y) == cache->get(id));
void read_location(node_persistent_cache const &cache, osmid_t id, double x,
double y)
REQUIRE(osmium::Location(x, y) == cache.get(id));
void delete_location(node_persistent_cache *cache, osmid_t id)
cache->set(id, osmium::Location{});
REQUIRE(osmium::Location{} == cache->get(id));
} // anonymous namespace
TEST_CASE("Persistent cache", "[NoDB]")
std::string const flat_node_file = "test_middle_flat.flat.nodes.bin";
testing::cleanup::file_t const flatnode_cleaner{flat_node_file};
// create a new cache
node_persistent_cache cache{flat_node_file, false};
// write in order
write_and_read_location(&cache, 10, 10.01, -45.3);
write_and_read_location(&cache, 11, -0.4538, 22.22);
write_and_read_location(&cache, 1058, 9.4, 9);
write_and_read_location(&cache, 502754, 0.0, 0.0);
// write out-of-order
write_and_read_location(&cache, 9934, -179.999, 89.1);
// read non-existing in middle
REQUIRE(cache.get(0) == osmium::Location{});
REQUIRE(cache.get(1111) == osmium::Location{});
REQUIRE(cache.get(1) == osmium::Location{});
// read non-existing after the last node
REQUIRE(cache.get(502755) == osmium::Location{});
REQUIRE(cache.get(7772947204) == osmium::Location{});
// reopen the cache
node_persistent_cache cache{flat_node_file, false};
// read all previously written locations
read_location(cache, 10, 10.01, -45.3);
read_location(cache, 11, -0.4538, 22.22);
read_location(cache, 1058, 9.4, 9);
read_location(cache, 502754, 0.0, 0.0);
read_location(cache, 9934, -179.999, 89.1);
// everything else should still be invalid
REQUIRE(cache.get(0) == osmium::Location{});
REQUIRE(cache.get(12) == osmium::Location{});
REQUIRE(cache.get(1059) == osmium::Location{});
REQUIRE(cache.get(1) == osmium::Location{});
REQUIRE(cache.get(1057) == osmium::Location{});
REQUIRE(cache.get(502753) == osmium::Location{});
REQUIRE(cache.get(502755) == osmium::Location{});
REQUIRE(cache.get(77729404) == osmium::Location{});
// write new data in the middle
write_and_read_location(&cache, 13, 10.01, -45.3);
write_and_read_location(&cache, 3000, 45, 45);
// append new data
write_and_read_location(&cache, 502755, 87, 0.45);
write_and_read_location(&cache, 502756, 87.12, 0.46);
write_and_read_location(&cache, 510000, 44, 0.0);
// delete existing
delete_location(&cache, 11);
// delete non-existing
delete_location(&cache, 21);
// non-deleted should still be there
read_location(cache, 10, 10.01, -45.3);
read_location(cache, 1058, 9.4, 9);
read_location(cache, 502754, 0.0, 0.0);
read_location(cache, 9934, -179.999, 89.1);