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* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
* This file is part of osm2pgsql (https://osm2pgsql.org/).
* Copyright (C) 2006-2024 by the osm2pgsql developer community.
* For a full list of authors see the git log.
#include <catch.hpp>
#include "reprojection.hpp"
TEST_CASE("projection 4326", "[NoDB]")
osmium::Location const loc{10.0, 53.0};
int const srs = 4326;
auto const reprojection = reprojection::create_projection(srs);
REQUIRE(reprojection->target_srs() == srs);
auto const c = reprojection->reproject(geom::point_t{loc});
REQUIRE(c.x() == Approx(10.0));
REQUIRE(c.y() == Approx(53.0));
auto const ct = reprojection->target_to_tile(c);
REQUIRE(ct.x() == Approx(1113194.91));
REQUIRE(ct.y() == Approx(6982997.92));
TEST_CASE("projection 3857", "[NoDB]")
osmium::Location const loc{10.0, 53.0};
int const srs = 3857;
auto const reprojection = reprojection::create_projection(srs);
REQUIRE(reprojection->target_srs() == srs);
auto const c = reprojection->reproject(geom::point_t{loc});
REQUIRE(c.x() == Approx(1113194.91));
REQUIRE(c.y() == Approx(6982997.92));
auto const ct = reprojection->target_to_tile(c);
REQUIRE(ct.x() == Approx(1113194.91));
REQUIRE(ct.y() == Approx(6982997.92));
TEST_CASE("projection 3857 bounds", "[NoDB]")
osmium::Location const loc1{0.0, 0.0};
osmium::Location const loc2{-180.0, -85.0511288};
osmium::Location const loc3{180.0, 85.0511288};
int const srs = 3857;
auto const reprojection = reprojection::create_projection(srs);
auto const c = reprojection->reproject(geom::point_t{loc1});
REQUIRE(c.x() == Approx(0.0));
REQUIRE(c.y() == Approx(0.0));
auto const ct = reprojection->target_to_tile(c);
REQUIRE(ct.x() == Approx(0.0));
REQUIRE(ct.y() == Approx(0.0));
auto const c = reprojection->reproject(geom::point_t{loc2});
REQUIRE(c.x() == Approx(-20037508.34));
REQUIRE(c.y() == Approx(-20037508.34));
auto const ct = reprojection->target_to_tile(c);
REQUIRE(ct.x() == Approx(-20037508.34));
REQUIRE(ct.y() == Approx(-20037508.34));
auto const c = reprojection->reproject(geom::point_t{loc3});
REQUIRE(c.x() == Approx(20037508.34));
REQUIRE(c.y() == Approx(20037508.34));
auto const ct = reprojection->target_to_tile(c);
REQUIRE(ct.x() == Approx(20037508.34));
REQUIRE(ct.y() == Approx(20037508.34));
TEST_CASE("projection 5651", "[NoDB]")
osmium::Location const loc{10.0, 53.0};
int const srs = 5651; // ETRS89 / UTM zone 31N (N-zE)
auto const reprojection = reprojection::create_projection(srs);
REQUIRE(reprojection->target_srs() == srs);
auto const c = reprojection->reproject(geom::point_t{loc});
REQUIRE(c.x() == Approx(31969448.78));
REQUIRE(c.y() == Approx(5895222.39));
auto const ct = reprojection->target_to_tile(c);
REQUIRE(ct.x() == Approx(1113194.91));
REQUIRE(ct.y() == Approx(6982997.92));