Vicky Vergara fe1dd91f09
Using sphinx revealjs (#725)
*   New .editorconfig file that sets the tabs to 2 spaces
  *  deply action
    *    Updates automatically the locale
    *    will work only when the organization is OSGeo therefore forks will not even try to deploy
      *      NOTE: testing this will be done with this PR
    *   TODO on a future PR to update automatically transifex (still need to manually do a tx push)
    * Using sphinx 4.0.0+
    * For the presentation:
      *  sphinxjp.themes.revealjs seems not to be mantained so using sphinx.revealjs
      *  Adjusted presentation to work with sphinx.revealjs
      *  Finnaly could make the locale for the presentation to not be empty (it can be transtated on transifex)
  *  the deploy action
  *  cmake_minimum_required VERSION 3.2
2022-06-14 14:23:39 -05:00
transifex Using sphinx revealjs (#725) 2022-06-14 14:23:39 -05:00
README.md adding some scripts for translation check 2020-12-16 13:31:16 -06:00
check_links.sh adding some scripts for translation check 2020-12-16 13:31:16 -06:00
get_download_instructions_for_exisiting_files.sh adding some scripts for translation check 2020-12-16 13:31:16 -06:00
process_html.sh adding some scripts for translation check 2020-12-16 13:31:16 -06:00


Translation verification helper

Translators do not necesarly know sphinx syntax and their translations need to be verified and fixed This process will be shown with es as example. This assumes that transifex API is already downloaded

Get commands of existing files

From the root of the repository generate the instructions needed to get the instructions that will retrieve from transifex a file that already exists

bash tools/get_download_instructions_for_exisiting_files.sh es

Inspection of the file will have the commands that look as follow:

tx pull -l es -f -r osgeolive.overview--cesium_overview
tx pull -l es -f -r osgeolive.quickstart--cesium_quickstart
tx pull -l es -f -r osgeolive.contact
tx pull -l es -f -r osgeolive.copyright

Download the files

From the root of the repository

bash get-existing-translations.sh

That will start the download of translations and it will look like:

tx INFO: Pulling translations for resource osgeolive.overview--cesium_overview (source: locale/pot/overview/cesium_overview.pot)
tx INFO:  -> es: locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/overview/cesium_overview.po
tx INFO: Done.
tx INFO: Pulling translations for resource osgeolive.quickstart--cesium_quickstart (source: locale/pot/quickstart/cesium_quickstart.pot)
tx INFO:  -> es: locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/quickstart/cesium_quickstart.po
tx INFO: Done.
tx INFO: Pulling translations for resource osgeolive.contact (source: locale/pot/contact.pot)
tx INFO:  -> es: locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/contact.po
tx INFO: Done.
tx INFO: Pulling translations for resource osgeolive.copyright (source: locale/pot/copyright.pot)
tx INFO:  -> es: locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/copyright.po

Process the html

This step will help find sphynx syntax errors and where to find them

bash tools/process_html.sh es

Error fixing

For example:

for classifier in reversed(node.parent.traverse(nodes.classifier)):
reading sources... [100%] sponsors_osgeo
/home/vicky/OSGeoLive/docs/cvvergara/build/doc/overview/inspire_overview.rst:25: WARNING: Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string.
/home/vicky/OSGeoLive/docs/cvvergara/build/doc/overview/inspire_overview.rst:25: WARNING: Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string.
/home/vicky/OSGeoLive/docs/cvvergara/build/doc/overview/inspire_overview.rst:38: WARNING: inconsistent term references in translated message. original: [':doc:`Re3gistry <re3gistry_overview>`'], translated: []
/home/vicky/OSGeoLive/docs/cvvergara/build/doc/overview/inspire_overview.rst:: WARNING: Anonymous hyperlink mismatch: 1 references but 0 targets.
See "backrefs" attribute for IDs.

There are errors on inspire_overview.rst which need to be fixed on the transifex website. Some times it is not an easy task.

Using your favorite editor. Find the lines where error happen:

vi <file where the error happened>

For this example

vi /home/vicky/OSGeoLive/docs/cvvergara/build/doc/overview/inspire_overview.rst

finding the lines:

 25   * Harmonise their spatial datasets in accordance with `common data models <https://inspire.ec.europa.eu/Data-Models/Data-Specifications/2892>`__ defined for each theme.
 27~37 ...
 38   * the `INSPIRE Registry <https://inspire.ec.europa.eu/registry>`__, based on the open source :doc:`Re3gistry <re3gistry_overview>` software, manages the unique identifiers and descriptions of INSPIRE resources such as t    hemes, code lists and application schemas;

So now on transifex look for the lines and fix (add figure here for line 25 & line 38 problems)

After fixing download is needed. Find the command to download the fixed file

$ cat get-existing-translations.sh | grep inspire
tx pull -l es -f -r osgeolive.overview--inspire_overview

and execute the command:

tx pull -l es -f -r osgeolive.overview--inspire_overview

If there is an error that its not understandable or difficult to find, Just leave it like it is, we will fix it later. For example: there is no hint on where is the problem on this error

/home/vicky/OSGeoLive/docs/cvvergara/build/doc/overview/inspire_overview.rst:: WARNING: Anonymous hyperlink mismatch: 1 references but 0 targets.
See "backrefs" attribute for IDs.

When there are many files with errors

If when executing the process_html.sh and work by file, only that file will be regenerated. To generate everything again:

rm -rf build/*
bash tools/process_html.sh es

This step will help find problems with links

bash tools/check_links.sh es

If there is a problem, do the same process described above

Commit the work done

git commit -a -m '[es] Updating latest translationsc