#!/bin/sh ############################################################################# # # Purpose: This script will OpenLayers 6 (and OpenLayers 2.13.1 for legacy # demos in OSGeoLive) # ############################################################################# # Copyright (c) 2009-2022 The Open Source Geospatial Foundation and others. # Licensed under the GNU LGPL version >= 2.1. # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, # or any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that # it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied # warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details, either # in the "LICENSE.LGPL.txt" file distributed with this software or at # web page "http://www.fsf.org/licenses/lgpl.html". ############################################################################# # Running: # ======= # sudo service apache2 start # Then open a web browser and go to http://localhost/ol3/ ./diskspace_probe.sh "`basename $0`" begin BUILD_DIR=`pwd` #### if [ -z "$USER_NAME" ] ; then USER_NAME="user" fi USER_HOME="/home/$USER_NAME" TMP_DIR="/tmp/build_openlayers" OL2_VERSION="2.13.1" OL2_DIR=/var/www/html/ol2 OPENLAYERS_VERSION="6.14.1" OPENLAYERS_DIR=/var/www/html/openlayers # # Install OpenLayers 2 # echo "\nCreating temporary directory $TMP_DIR..." mkdir -p "$TMP_DIR" echo "\nCreating OpenLayers2 directory $OL2_DIR..." mkdir -p "$OL2_DIR" echo "\nCreating OpenLayers directory $OPENLAYERS_DIR..." mkdir -p "$OPENLAYERS_DIR" echo "\nDownloading OpenLayers2..." cd "$TMP_DIR" if [ -f "OpenLayers-$OL2_VERSION.tar.gz" ] then echo "OpenLayers-$OL2_VERSION.tar.gz has already been downloaded." else wget -c --progress=dot:mega \ "http://github.com/openlayers/ol2/releases/download/release-$OL2_VERSION/OpenLayers-$OL2_VERSION.tar.gz" fi echo "\nInstalling OpenLayers2..." tar zxf "OpenLayers-$OL2_VERSION.tar.gz" cd "OpenLayers-$OL2_VERSION" mv OpenLayers.js "$OL2_DIR"/ mv img "$OL2_DIR"/ mv theme "$OL2_DIR"/ chmod -R uga+r "$OL2_DIR" echo "\nCleaning up..." cd "$TMP_DIR" rm -rf "OpenLayers-$OL2_VERSION" rm "OpenLayers-$OL2_VERSION.tar.gz" # # Install OpenLayers # echo "\nInstalling OpenLayers..." cd "$TMP_DIR" OPENLAYERS_ARCHIVE_FULL="v$OPENLAYERS_VERSION.zip" if [ -f "$OPENLAYERS_ARCHIVE_FULL" ] then echo "OpenLayers $OPENLAYERS_VERSION full version has already been downloaded. Skipping download." else wget -c --progress=dot:mega \ "https://github.com/openlayers/openlayers/releases/download/v$OPENLAYERS_VERSION/v$OPENLAYERS_VERSION.zip" echo "OpenLayers $OPENLAYERS_VERSION full version download complete." fi OPENLAYERS_ARCHIVE_DIST="v$OPENLAYERS_VERSION-dist.zip" if [ -f "$OPENLAYERS_ARCHIVE_DIST" ] then echo "OpenLayers $OPENLAYERS_VERSION distribution version has already been downloaded. Skipping download." else wget -c --progress=dot:mega \ "https://github.com/openlayers/openlayers/releases/download/v$OPENLAYERS_VERSION/v$OPENLAYERS_VERSION-dist.zip" echo "OpenLayers $OPENLAYERS_VERSION distribution version download complete." fi # # Unzip # echo "\nUnzipping archive..." unzip -qo $OPENLAYERS_ARCHIVE_FULL unzip -qo $OPENLAYERS_ARCHIVE_DIST echo "Unzipping done" # # Replace assets url and workshop url # sed -i 's/..\/..\/..\/assets/https:\/\/openlayers.org\/assets/g' v$OPENLAYERS_VERSION/doc/*.html sed -i 's/..\/..\/..\/..\/assets/https:\/\/openlayers.org\/assets/g' v$OPENLAYERS_VERSION/doc/**/*.html sed -i 's/\/workshop\//https:\/\/openlayers.org\/workshop\//g' v$OPENLAYERS_VERSION/doc/index.html # # Copy to www # echo "\nCopying files to $OPENLAYERS_DIR" rsync -r v$OPENLAYERS_VERSION/* $OPENLAYERS_DIR rsync -r v$OPENLAYERS_VERSION-dist/* $OPENLAYERS_DIR/dist echo "Copying done" # # Generate index page # cd "$OPENLAYERS_DIR" echo "\nGenerating index file..." cat << EOF > "index.html"


Welcome to OpenLayers index page:

EOF echo "Index file generation done" # # Launch script and icon for OpenLayers to take you to a documentation # page and examples listing # echo "\nGenerating launcher..." cp "$OPENLAYERS_DIR/apidoc/logo-70x70.png" /usr/share/pixmaps/openlayers.png if [ ! -e /usr/share/applications/openlayers.desktop ] ; then cat << EOF > /usr/share/applications/openlayers.desktop [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Encoding=UTF-8 Name=OpenLayers Comment=Sample constructions Categories=Application;Internet; Exec=firefox http://localhost/openlayers/ http://localhost/osgeolive/en/quickstart/openlayers_quickstart.html Icon=openlayers Terminal=false StartupNotify=false EOF fi cp /usr/share/applications/openlayers.desktop "$USER_HOME/Desktop/" chown "$USER_NAME:$USER_NAME" "$USER_HOME/Desktop/openlayers.desktop" #### "$BUILD_DIR"/diskspace_probe.sh "`basename $0`" end