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OSGeo Live GIS Disc
Version 16.0rc1
* Adjust desktop background (#2419)
* Replace fuse with fuse3
* Fix pgadmin4 installer key issue
* VM installer cleanup
* actinia 4.9.1
Version 16.0beta1
* Lubuntu 22.04.2
* GDAL 3.6.4
* QGIS 3.28.5
* PostGIS 3.3.3
* MapServer 8.0.1
* pygeoapi 0.15.0
* Cesium 1.106
* OWSLib 0.28.1
* Adjusted QGIS3.ini (#2418)
* Cleanup python3-azure
* Added some content to the QGIS print composer
* Updated OpenDataCube installer
* Disabled GeoServer logging to stdout
* Desktop image and configuration for version 16 (FOSS4G 2023 Prizren)
Version 16.0alpha3
* GDAL 3.6.3
* QGIS 3.28.4
* GRASS 8.2.1
* GeoServer 2.22.2
* pygeoapi 0.14.0
* Cesium 1.104
* change osm data to Prizren
* changed pgadmin4 keyring registration, updated pgadmin4.db
* Re3gistry 2.4.2
* OpenDataCube 1.8.9
* QField 2.7.6
* PDAL 2.5.0
* OWSLib 0.27.2
Version 16.0alpha2
* Updates to MapServer (#2409)
* GeoMoose 3.10.1
Version 16.0alpha1
* Lubuntu 22.04.1
* GDAL 3.6.2
* PROJ 9.1.1
* GEOS 3.11.1
* PostGIS 3.3.2
* MapServer 8.0.0
* OTB 8.1.0
* QGIS 3.22.13
* SAGA 8.2.2
* Mapbender 3.3.3
* Cesium 1.101
* pygeoapi 0.13.0
* pgRouting 3.4.2
* fiona 1.8.22
* rasterio 1.3.4
* Default desktop image for 16.0
Version 15.0
* Fixed iso EFI setup (#2361)
* Updated Jupyter Notebooks from GitHub
* English documentation finalized
* MapProxy 1.15.1
* ZOO-Project 1.9.0 (#2382)
* t-rex 0.14.3 (#2357)
* Updated leaflet demo with FOSS4G 2022 Firenze location (#2384)
* Workaround for tomcat9 issue with Java 8 (#2387)
* 52nSOS java issue fixed (#2366)
* Re3gistry tomcat issue fixed (#2379)
* Fixed apache issue with live system (#2396)
* pgadmin4-desktop on VM version (#2355)
* Mapnik patched to support latest proj (#2352)
* Build scripts and installers cleanup
* Removed gcc and linux headers from iso (#467)
* MapServer docs version 7.6
* Updated retired project list (#2318)
* Fixed raster data folder (#2336)
* actinia 4.2.0 (#2383)
Version 15.0beta2
* Updated installers for VM version
* GeoStyler 9.0.0
* Fixed QGIS Server data folder permissions (#2371)
* Fixed GRASS data folder permissions (#868)
* Fixed EOxServer installation (#2360)
* Fixed GeoNode installation (#2372)
* Updated QGIS projects for latest version.
* Various desktop fixes
* rasterio 1.3.0
Version 15.0beta1
* R 4.1.2
* Deegree 3.4.32
* GeoExt 3.4.0
* OpenJUMP 2.0
* ETF 2.0
* libgdal-java components added
* EOxServer 1.1.2
* GeoNode 3.3.2
* 52nSOS 5.5.1
* New desktop background for Firenze
* Documentation enabled
Version 15.0alpha1
* Lubuntu 22.04
* Fixing mkisofs to work without ISOLINUX (#2348)
* Applied updates for Plymouth theme, use Ubuntu Spinner with OSGeoLive logo
* Added tomcat group with specific gid (#2250)
* Disabled snapd, installed Firefox from Mozilla ppa
* Added python3-scipy with no libboost-dev dependency (#2358)
* OSM extract for Firenze
* GDAL 3.4.3
* PROJ 8.2.1
* GEOS 3.10.2
* Spatialite 5.0.1
* PostGIS 3.2.0
* QGIS 3.22.7
* GRASS 8.2.0
* GeoServer 2.21.0
* MapServer 7.6.4
* Mapbender 3.3.1
* OpenLayers 6.14.1
* GeoMoose 3.9.0
* Cesium 1.94
* OTB 8.0.1
* pycsw 2.6.1
* PyWPS 4.5.1
* pygeoapi 0.12.0
* Mapnik 3.1.0
* fiona 1.8.21
* rasterio 1.2.10
* OpenDataCube 1.8.7 in ppa
* libgeotiff 1.7.0
* PDAL 2.3.0
* pgRouting 3.3.0
* MapCache 1.12.0
* mappyfile 0.9.7
* geopandas 0.10.2
* PostgreSQL 14
* phpPgAdmin 7.13
* Jupyter Notebook 6.4.8
* Default desktop image for 15.0
Version 14.0
* Fixed Tomcat start issue on installed systems (#2332)
* Updates to 52nWPS,52nSOS,ncWMS and Re3gistry to use proper sudoers permissions
Version 14.0rc5
* Data folder shortcut fixed (#2331)
* Release dedicated to Malena Libman
Version 14.0rc4
* MapServer mapfiles path updated to fix GeoMoose issue (#2329)
* Re3gistry installer fixes
Version 14.0rc3
* Cesium 1.80 (#2323)
* Fixed doc broken links (#2320)
* Re3gistry installer fixes
* Updated ncWMS installer to work with tomcat9
* Folium package added
* MapServer mapfiles upstream security patch
Version 14.0rc2
* Disabled fsck during live boot
* Fixed actinia launcher (#2266)
* Fixed permision issue for rasdaman log folder (#2279)
* Added new boot splash image
Version 14.0rc1
* QGIS 3.16.4
* QGIS Server 3.16.4
* t-rex 0.13.0
* Added pgadmin4 configuration (#2304)
* Added tested Notebooks for 14.0.
* OSGeoLive documentation and translations finalized for 14.0
Version 14.0beta3
* QGIS 3.16.3
* QGIS Server 3.16.3
Version 14.0beta2
* PostGIS 3.1.1
* GeoStyler 4.5.0
* ZOO-Project 1.8.0
* EOxServer 1.0.0rc22
* ncWMS 2.4.2 (VM only)
* Fixed desktop untrusted launchers (#2306)
* Added pgadmin4 in database desktop folder
* Disabled Virtual Box guest additions due to upstream bug (#2309)
Version 14.0beta1
* QGIS 3.10.14
* GeoServer 2.18.1
* OpenLayers 6.5.0
* GMT moved to VM only
* EOxServer 1.0.0-rc21
* Switching to pgadmin4 as default (#2262)
* New artwork for 14.0
Version 14.0alpha5
* Proj 7.2.1
* GDAL 3.2.1
* QGIS 3.10.13
* GRASS 7.8.5
* pycsw 2.6.0
* actinia 0.99.15
* Rasdaman 10.0
* Mapnik demo updated (#2255)
* Draft VM only installer added
* Fixed EOxServer configuration (#2267)
* Fixed GeoNode configuration (#2268)
Version 14.0alpha4
* GEOS 3.9.0
* Proj 7.2.0
* GDAL 3.2.0
* PostGIS 3.1.0
* QGIS 3.10.12
* MapServer 7.6.2
* fiona 1.8.18
* rasterio 1.1.8
* OSM data for Buenos Aires
Version 14.0alpha3
* GeoNode 3.1.0
* Mapbender 3.2.3
* pygeoapi 0.9.0
* MapProxy 1.13.0
* EOxServer 1.0.0-rc17
* istSOS 2.4.0-rc1
* Fixed VirtualBox installation failures (#2263)
* Fixed tomcat 9 startup issue (#2259)
* Fixed 52nWPS installer (#2264)
* Fixed 52nSOS installer (#2265)
* QGIS Web Client 2 fixed (#2277)
* Fixed uDig installer (#2281)
* Completed LXQt desktop customization (#1777, #2246)
* Fixed pgrouting installer (#2276)
* Marble desktop icon missing (#2274)
Version 14.0alpha2
* GeoStyler installer added
* Re3gistry installer added
* QGIS Web Client 2
* Mapbender 3.2.2
Version 14.0alpha1
* Lubuntu 20.04.1
* Fixed initrd multi-part format for 20.04.1 (#2249)
* GDAL 3.1.3
* PROJ 7.1.1
* GEOS 3.8.1
* Spatialite 5.0.0
* PostGIS 3.0.2
* QGIS 3.10.10
* GRASS 7.8.3
* GeoServer 2.18.0
* MapServer 7.6.1
* Mapbender 3.2.1
* OTB 7.1.0
* pycsw 2.4.2
* PyWPS 4.2.7
* uDig 2.2.0RC1
* gvSIG 2.4.0
* pygeoapi 0.8.0
* Mapnik 3.0.23
* OSSIM 2.9.1
* fiona 1.8.17
* rasterio 1.1.7
* GMT 6.1.1
* libgeotiff 1.6.0
* osgearth 2.10.2
* PDAL 2.2.0
* pgRouting 3.1.0
* MapCache 1.10.0
* mappyfile 0.8.4
* geopandas 0.8.1
* Tomcat 9
* PostgreSQL 12
* Python 3 as default
* Jupyter 4.6.3
* Jupyter Notebook 6.0.3
* Switched to xyGrib instead of zyGrib
* Default R packages from Focal
* Updated desktop configuration for LXQt and SDDM (#1777)
* Default desktop image for 14.0
Version 13.0
* Fixed CJK fonts issue (#2175)
Version 13.0rc2
* Lubuntu 18.04.3
* VirtualBox 6.x issue fix (#2174)
* Documentation updates and new languages from Transifex.
Version 13.0rc1
* Actinia 0.2.1 (new project)
* QGIS 3.4.10
* New artwork based on Bucharest map
* EOxServer 1.0-beta2
* Enhanced support for Python 3 libraries including new Jupyter notebooks.
* Disk space cleanup (#467)
* Added QGIS3 plugins
* Fixed pycsw tester app
* Fixed QGIS quickstart not finding GRASS data (#2085)
* Fixed ZOO WPS demo (#2144)
Version 13.0beta3
* EOxServer 1.0-beta1
* rasdaman 9.8.1
* ZOO-Project 1.7.0
* MapCache 1.8.0
* Revert to Mapbender
* Remove zygrib high resolution maps (#467)
Version 13.0beta2
* GDAL 2.4.2
* GEOS 3.7.1
* QGIS 3.4.9
* MapServer 7.4.1
* SAGA 7.3.0
* GeoNode 2.10.0
* libosmium 2.15.1
* OGDI 4.1.0
* osgearth 2.10.2
* OSSIM 2.7.2
* OWSLib 0.18.0
* geopandas 0.5.1
* rasterio 1.0.24
* Added QGIS 3 configuration (#2141)
Version 13.0beta1
* MapServer 7.4.0
* GeoServer 2.15.1
* QGIS 3.4.8
* OpenLayers 5.3.0
* pycsw 2.4.0
* PostGIS 2.5.2
* GeoNode 2.10rc5
* Mapbender
* GeoMoose 3.3.1
* rasterio 1.0.24
* Cesium 1.58
* OSM data for Bucharest
* Django 1.11
* PostgreSQL ogr-fdw 1.0.5
Version 13.0alpha2
* PostGIS 2.5.1
* GeoExt 3.1 (new project)
* GeoMoose 3.3.0
* 52nWPS 3.6.3
* Mapbender
* Fiona 1.8.6
* rasterio 1.0.22
* OWSLib 0.17.1
* mappyfile 0.8.2
* pandas 0.23.3
* geopandas 0.5.0
* cartopy 0.17.0
Version 13.0alpha1
* Lubuntu 18.04.2
* QGIS 3.4.6 (no plugins yet)
* GDAL 2.4.0
* PostGIS 2.5.1
* GRASS 7.6.1
* PROJ 5.2.0
* MapServer 7.2.2
* GEOS 3.7.0
* OTB 6.6.1
* Mapnik 3.0.22
* OSSIM 2.5.2
* fiona 1.8.4
* GMT 5.4.5
* gpsprune 19.2
* libgeotiff 1.4.2
* osgearth 2.10.0
* PDAL 1.8.0
* pgRouting 2.6.2
* Adapted initrd modification to multi-part format used by debian and ubuntu since 18.04.1 (#2100)
* Default desktop image for 13.0
Version 12.0
* MapServer 7.2.0
* Documentation finalized
* Presentation updated (#2109)
* ZOO-Project fixed (#2063)
* GeoNode upload errors fixed (#2113)
* rasterio 1.0.3
* fiona 1.7.13
* Django issues fixed (#2115)
* Data links fixed
* Workshop link updated (#2116)
* SAGA links fixed (#2110)
* ossim-core kept as OTB dependency (#2061)
Version 12.0beta4
* New plymouth OSGeoLive theme
* Fix for TileStache (#2096)
* Fix for ncWMS (#2084)
* GeoNetwork docs removed to save disk space
* Added intro notebook for R kernel in Jupyter
* Added sqlitebrowser icon back (#2094)
* Removed empty desktop folders (#2095)
* Fixed casper and plymouth settings for Ubuntu Bionic
* Mapserver 7.0 docs update
* Django 1.8.7 available in Bionic (#2065)
* EOxServer fixed (#2065)
* GeoNode fixed (#2065)
* Updated welcome message (#2108)
* Added Mappyfile to python libraries
Version 12.0beta3
* New artwork included
* t-rex 0.9.0
* Added keyboard layout widget (#2048)
* JOSM plugins fixed
* IRIS fixes (#2080)
* Rasdaman demo data ingestion fix (#2093)
* Python packages test data cleanup
* VirtualBox share folder fixed (#1992)
* OTB environment fixes (#1604)
Version 12.0beta2
* Documentation translations included
* Dar es Salaam osm Feature City
* Jupyter R kernel added
* GeoServer 2.13.2
* Rasdaman demo updated
* GeoServer Vector Tiles plugin added
* Mapbender
* Deegree 3.4.1
* OTB paths fix (#1604)
* Leaflet demo update
Version 12.0beta1
* Documentation included
* MapBender 3.0.7
* 52nSOS 4.4.3
* Rasdaman 9.7.0
* PDAL 1.6.0
* r-cran-sp 1.3
Version 12.0alpha1
* Lubuntu 18.04 base iso used.
* New OSGeoLive logo
* New INSPIRE desktop link
* Python 3.6.5/2.7.15
* OpenJDK
* PostgreSQL 10
* GDAL 2.2.4
* GEOS 3.6.2
* PROJ 4.9.3
* GRASS 7.4.0
* QGIS 2.18.17
* PostGIS 2.4.3
* Spatialite 4.3.0
* JOSM svn13878
* MapServer 7.0.7
* GeoServer 2.13.1
* OTB 6.4.0
* OpenLayers 4.6.5
* Cesium 1.46
* OpenCPN 4.8.4
* OSSIM 2.2.2
* pgRouting 2.5.2
* Marble 2.2.20
* ZyGrib 8.0.1
* Jupyter 5.2.2
* R 3.4.4
* MapProxy 1.11.0
* PyWPS 4.0.0
* Iris 2.1.0
* uDig 2.0.0
* 52nWPS 3.6.2
* GeoMoose 3.2.0
Version 11.0
* Cesium 1.35
* Retired MB-System
* Retired PyWPS
* New artwork for 11.0
* Patched gmt.conf (#1640)
* OSSIM planet files added
* Fixed Cesium error (#1954)
* Fixed uDig install folder (#1953)
Version 11.0beta1
* GeoServer 2.10.4
* GeoNode 2.6.1
* EOxServer 0.4.0
* gpsprune 18.6
* Iris 1.13.0
* istsos 2.3.1
* Jupyter 4.2.0
* OpenCPN 4.6.1
* R 3.4.0
* uDig 2.0.0.RC1
* Zygrib 7.0.0
* Django 1.8
* OSM featured city now Boston
* Geokettle retired
* JavaWorldWind retired
* Kosmo retired
* OSGEarth retired
* Ushahidi retired
* Viking retired
Version 11.0alpha1
* Lubuntu 16.04.2 base iso used.
* GDAL 2.2.0
* OTB 6.0.0
* QGIS 2.14.14
* GRASS 7.2.1
* OpenLayers 4.1.1
* Leaflet 1.0.3
* GeoNetwork 2.3.1
* pycsw 2.0.3
* pgRouting 2.4.1
* MapServer 7.0.5
* Deegree 3.3.20
* ncWMS 2.1.8
* 52nSOS 4.4.0
* 52nWPS 3.6.1
* Cesium 1.34
* GeoMoose 2.9.3
* MapBender
* MapProxy 1.10.0
* OpenJUMP 1.11
* Rasdaman 9.4.1
* Sahana retired
Version 10.5
* QGIS fixed: libtiff5 Ubuntu patch reverted (#1897)
Version 10.5rc1
* rasdaman 9.3.0
* Leaflet demo fix
* Fixed Java World Wind download link
* Removed gmt-doc from the build to save some disk space (#467)
* New artwork for 10.5 release
* Downgraded PyWPS to 3.2.5
Version 10.5beta1
* GRASS 7.2.0
* QGIS 2.14.11
* GDAL 2.1.3
* PostGIS 2.3.2
* MapServer 7.0.4
* pycsw 2.0.2
* GeoMoose 2.9.2
* PyWPS 4.0.0
* OTB 5.8.0
* SAGA 2.3.1
* ZOO-Project 1.6.0
* pgRouting 2.3.2
* 52nSOS 4.3.9
* fiona 1.7.2
* rasterio 0.36.0
* josm 0.0.svn11427
* MapCache 1.4.0
* MapProxy 1.9.0
* osm2pgrouting 2.2.0
* osm2pgsql 0.88.1
* OWSLib 0.14.0
* python-osmapi 0.7.2
* UEFI supported only in amd64 architecture (#1831)
* MapProxy installer updated based on the recent debian packaging (#1774)
Version 10.5alpha1
* Supporting isohybrid ISO images with UEFI
* GEOS 3.5.1
* GDAL 2.1.2
* PostGIS 2.3.1
* GeoServer 2.10.1
* GRASS 7.0.5
* QGIS 2.14.10
* libLAS 1.8.1
* pgRouting 2.3.1
* Deegree 3.3.18
* retired Cartaro
* Added GeoServer NetCDF extension
Version 10.0
* Lubuntu 16.04.1 base iso used.
* Added OSM attribution in welcome message (#1765)
* Minor desktop configuration fix
* Updated documentation
* ISO creation configuration update
* Viking MapQuest tiles disabled by default (#1754)
Version 10.0rc1
* Updated documentation
* New artwork (Thanks Brian Hamlin)
* All packages moved to release-10.0 ppa
* Added postgis-gui (#1750)
* Jupyter Notebook 4.2.1
* Fixed TileStache previewer (#1737)
* Added failover to OSM for Leaflet demo (#1307)
* Fixed MapQuest issue in GeoNode and ZOO-Project (#1754)
* Updated QGIS plugins for 10.0
Version 10.0beta1
* QGIS 2.14.3
* PostGIS 2.2.2
* pgRouting 2.2.3
* Mapnik 3.0.11 and latest python-mapnik
* Iris 1.9.2
* Downgraded osgearth to 2.5.0 (#1699)
* TileStache 1.49.8 replaced TileLite (#1701)
* Featured OSM city switched to Bonn (#1698)
* ZOO-Project packaging now supports CGAL and OTB (#1710)
* JOSM plugins added
* Added OSM cli tools
Version 10.0alpha3
* Downgraded Django to 1.6.11
* Improved PyWPS packaging (#1730)
* 52nSOS 4.3.6 update
* 52nWPS 3.4.0 update
* Leaflet demo updated
* ZOO-Project demo fixed (#1710)
* Cartaro installation fixed (#1718)
* GeoNode packaging provided for Xenial (#1722)
* EOxServer installation fixed (#1706)
* Rasdaman installer available for Xenial (#1721)
* TileMill retired (#1723)
* R packages updated to Xenial (#1720)
* r-cran-grass7 added (#1444)
* Updated Ubuntu documentation to 16.04
Version 10.0alpha2
* Added alternative PHP version (5.6)
* PyWPS 3.2.5 added
* MapServer re-built with PHP Mapscript support.
* MapProxy issue fixed (#1704)
* Zenity issue fixed (#1709)
* GeoMajas issue fixed (#1713)
* Jupyter packaging completed for Xenial (#1711)
* Fixed QGIS tutorial build (#1703)
* Fixed memory issue for default tomcat (#1715)
* Added php5.6-xml which is needed by MapBender3 (#1716)
* Added php5.6-mbstring to geomoose installer (#1717)
* Modified OSSIM installer to use debian packages from ppa (#1700)
* Update to latest version of MapSlicer (#1712)
* Fixed istsos icon (#1708)
* Monteverdi added back to ppa (#1702)
Version 10.0alpha1
* Re-based to Lubuntu 16.04 LTS Xenial
* Unmount problem during build process now solved (#1046)
* Refactored installer scripts to 3 layers (base, services, projects)
* PostgreSQL 9.5
* MySQL 5.7
* OpenJDK 8
* Tomcat 8
* GDAL 2.1.0
* PostGIS 2.2.1
* GRASS 7.0.3
* QGIS 2.14.1
* Mapnik 3.0.9
* GeoServer 2.8.3
* MapServer 7.0.1
* pycsw 1.10.4
* mbsystem 5.5.2274
* MapProxy 1.8.2
* istsos 2.3.0
* netcdf4-python 1.2.4
* cartopy 0.14.2
* opencpn 4.2.0
* osgearth 2.7.0
* pgrouting 2.1.0
* OTB 5.4.0
* SAGA 2.2.7
* GeoMoose 2.9.0
* GMT 5.2.1
* PHP 7
Version 9.5rc2/final
* Fixed GeoNetwork build for 32 bit (#1522)
* Fixed Rasdaman installer for 32 bit (#1645)
Version 9.5rc1
* QGIS 2.14.0
* GeoNetwork 3.0.3
* GSoC 2015 Jupyter Notebooks added
* GPSDrive retired
* Rasdaman 9.2
* SAGA 2.2.4
* R Kernel for Jupyter added
* Added OTB Application Launcher
* rasterio and fiona CLI added
* TinyOWS quickstart fixed (#1233)
* Enabled MapServer WMS demo (#1622)
* New release-9.5 ppa
Version 9.5beta1
* NASA Java World Wind added
* istSOS project added
* GRASS 7.0.3
* Jupyter 1.0 and IPython 4.0 upgrade
* GeoServer 2.8.2 (including CSS extension)
* Cartaro 1.9
* Cesium 1.18
* OpenLayers 3.13.1
* MapBender
* SAGA 2.2.3
* Enabled GDAL drivers and outdb rasters for PostGIS
* Disabled GPSDrive from builds
* OSSIM plugins/GUI rebuilt on top of new libossim-dev (#1515)
* Added libgdal-grass
* Updated python packages (rasterio, fiona, folium, cartopy)
Version 9.5alpha2
* GEOS 3.5.0
* PostGIS 2.2.1
* QGIS 2.12.1
* GeoServer 2.7.5
* GeoNode 2.4.0
* OSSIM 1.8.20
* OTB 5.2.0
* Monteverdi 3.0.0
* MapServer demo updated for 7.0.0
* osm2pgsql 0.88.1
* QGIS-GRASS plugin re-enabled
* QGIS plugins updated to latest versions
* OWSLib 0.10.0
* pgadmin 1.20.0
* Django 1.6.11
Version 9.5alpha1
* PostgreSQL 9.4
* GDAL 1.11.3
* PostGIS 2.2 (including SFCGAL)
* GRASS 7.0.2
* MapServer 7.0.0
* GeoNetwork 3.0.1
* pycsw 1.10.3
* libLAS 1.8.0
Version 9.0rc1/final
* ncWMS 1.2
* gvSIG 2.2
* Updated to Monteverdi2
* Added OSSIM plugins and qt packages for 1.8.18
* Kosmo fix for 64 bit architecture
* GeoNetwork reverted to 2.10.x for this release, due to blocker issue
Version 9.0beta1
* QGIS 2.8.3 LTR
* GRASS 7.0.1
* GeoServer 2.7.2
* GeoMoose 2.8.0
* New GMT debian package
* New JOSM debian package
* New mbsystem debian package
* OSSIM 1.8.18
* MapProxy 1.8.0
* OpenLayers 3.7.0
* OpenCPN 4.0.0
* GPSDrive 64bit package added
* Ushahidi build fixed (#1509)
* VirtualBox guest additions installed by default
* More R visualization packages
* Updated QGIS plugins
Version 9.0alpha2
* Upgrade to tomcat7
* new Ubuntu manual included
* 52North SOS upgrade to 4.3.0
* GeoMajas upgrade to 2.4.0
* MapBender upgrade to
* EOxServer upgrade to 0.4.0
* Cartaro upgrade to 1.8
* GeoNetwork 3.0.1
* Fixed OSSIM installation
* uDig installer fix to work on 64 bit
* OSGeoLive documentation installed from deb package now
Version 9.0alpha1
* GDAL 1.11.2
* QGIS 2.8.2
* GRASS 7.0.0
* GeoNetwork 3.0.0
* Updates from UbuntuGIS
Version 8.5rc1/final
* Moved to OSGeoLive release-8.5 ppa
* Reverted Sahana to a working web2py version (#1474)
* Replaced MapTiler with MapSlicer (#1467)
* Added text file to indicate proj in nc/data/shape
* Updated screenshots in docs
* Optimized png files
* Added grassutil.ipy adapted to work with grass 70
* Installed grass70 desktop file properly (#1458)
* Updated OSGeoLive presentation
Version 8.5beta2
* GRASS updated to 7.0.0RC2 (#1433)
* Patched QGIS processing plugin for GRASS7 support (#1466)
* Updated pycsw installer to use new wsgi deb package (#1472)
* Documentation updates and translations
* Added python-geojson
* Added north_carolina metadata
* GRASS GIS documentation: updated to GRASS GIS 7
* Updated OSGeoLive presentation for 8.5
* Add link to OSGeo Metrics from presentation page
* Retired MapTiler from OSGeo-Live docs
* New ppa for 8.5 release is now available
Version 8.5beta1
* rasdaman update to 9.0.4 (installer and documentation)
* IPython and Cesium documentation added
* uDig fix: forced to use mozilla as default browser (#1394)
* NetCDF logo added (#1320)
* Increased Tomcat default memory allocation
* Sahana installation tagged, to avoid breakage from git master (#1457)
* Added ~okeanos to sponsors
* Cartopy caching enabled
* Mapbender update to
* Python liblas error fixed (#1256)
* EOxServer reverted to 0.3.2 due to incompatibility with upstream django version (#1456)
* GRASS updated to 7.0.0RC1 (#1433)
* Added new North Carolina subset for GRASS7 (#1446)
* rasterio requirements fixed (#1455)
Version 8.5alpha4
* MapWindow update (installers and documentation)
* Reconfigured tomcat restart during build
* IPython documentation added
* Fixed ncWMS installation (#1450)
* OpenJUMP fixed (#1452)
* Updated eoxserver installation script for version 0.4.
* MapBender: ALIAS error fixes FollowSymLinks (#1436)
Version 8.5alpha3
* Moved to GRASS7
* Upgraded OpenLayers to version 3.1.0
* Restored core OpenLayers2 files for legacy applications in the disk
* Fixed QGIS Server installation
* SanMateo_CA as OSM featured City
* Cesium cleanup and desktop launcher added (#1432)
* Fixed Tilemill deb package
* Removed all GRASS6 related packages
* Added osmapi as Debian package
* Cleared up Tomcat setup after disabling MapFish
* Fixed rasdaman to properly shutdown during build time
* Switching to spearfish dataset for GRASS7
* Saved some space with iris
* Fixed desktop font
* Updated geoserver path in geonode (#1442)
* Updated Marble to 1.9
Version 8.5alpha2
* Upgraded OpenLayers to version 3.0.0
* Upgraded GDAL to 1.11.1
* Upgraded QGIS to 2.6.1
* Upgraded pycsw to 1.10.0
* Upgraded GeoServer to 2.6.1
* Updated deegree webservices 3.3.13
* Update cartaro to version 1.5
* Cesium added to the disk
* Temporarily disable Tilemill (#1429)
* Update geonetwork quickstart for 2.10.4
* Install geopandas and descartes from ppa
* Upgraded Geomajas to 2.2.0
* New 8.5 desktop background
* Updated 52nWPS version to 3.3.1
* Update GeoMoose from version 2.6.1 to 2.7.1
* Update otb version number to 4.2.1
Version 8.5alpha1
* GDAL 1.11.0
* QGIS 2.6
* Updates from UbuntuGIS
Version 8.0rc1/final
* Geospatial menu finalized for LXDE
* Bugfix deegree install script
* Fixed submenu parameter files (#1373)
* Desktop icon text colors to match a light background
* Bumped to latest available version of ubuntu manual
* GPSDrive adapted to Mapnik2
* Added Spatialite icons
* Upgraded GRASS to 6.4.4
* Rebuilt OSGeoLive Release PPA and pulled updates from UbuntuGIS
* Updated Documentation to reflect 8.0 release
* Updated screenshots with new background
* Fixed R data paths
* Fixed GeoMoose problem with Yahoo map
* Updated apache2 conf file location (#1386)
* Created apache config to enable clean urls for ushahidi
* Fixed Tilemill chroot vs init script workaround (#1348)
* Set default TIFF viewer to QGIS
* Updated web2py for Sahana
* Updated Mac and MS Windows installer URLs
* Avoid deegree starting firefox as root (#1389)
* Removed MapFish from build
Version 8.0beta1
* Desktop sketch to match FOSS4G colors and theme
* Menus: lubuntu's lxpanel fixes to add Geospatial menu
* Updated ZOO installation (#1222)
* Added pywps overview, logo and quickstart
* Bump to latest ubuntu kernel
* Use newer version of cartaro due to security update
* Moved EOxServer to Debian package (#1353)
* Mapserver ready for Apache 2.4 (#1358)
* Moved Iris to Debian package (#1355)
* Ossimplanet lib fix (#1359)
* Updated 52nWPS
* Mapbender version change to
* Updated install_geonode.sh for the 2.4 version
* Enabled saga icon + menu entry
* Updated fontcap for latest build
* Updated OSM Portland dataset
* GRASS addons: don't pause on chroot root home startup error
* Updated deegree webservices 3.3.10
* Added support data for ipython notebook (wrapper script to start grass)
* Updated geopython/scipy stack
Version 8.0alpha4
* Moved to Lubuntu 14.04.1 (LTS)
* QGIS 2.4 and new plugins
* removed packages from OSSIM installer
* Minor fixes to GRASS
* Added GRASS7 installer
* Kosmo Desktop upgraded to version 3.1
* Cartaro: fix activation of php module
* rasdaman: removing libnetcdf-dev from pkg_cleanup
* Updated GeoKettle installation scripts and documentation.
* New Saga version
* Updated R install script to use ppa instead of building R packages
* UDig fix (#1368)
* Mapserver: apache fixes
Version 8.0alpha3
* Temporary fix of resolvconf issue (#1362)
* IPython update
* 52nWPS update
* mbsystem update
* GRASS7 installer added
* #1345 : fixed INSPIRE extension download URL
* Updated Iris install to Iris 1.6.1
* updated script to latest version: 52nSOS 4.0.0 including removal of database creation
* activated tomcat autodeploy option
* updated cartaro installer to use other apt distribution
* 52nSOS update
Version 8.0alpha2
* Updated package names for 14.04
* Temp fix for sphinx not symlinking (#952)
* Work around for launchpad bug #975152 (opens empty lxterminal)
* Mapbender3 upgrade and Apache 2.4 changed to require all granted
* Cartaro upgrade
* UbuntuGIS updates
* OpenJump update
* Rasdaman update
Version 8.0alpha1
* Switched to Lubuntu 14.04 as a base OS
* Updates from UbuntuGIS
* Update gdal grass plugin package version
* Change osm style sheet to match new mapnik2 requirements
* libpam-systemd hack for #1334
* Xubuntu -> Lubuntu desktop adjustments
* install MBUtil package as a .deb, for working with MBTiles sqlite dbs
* Update doc paths for Apache 2.4
* many xfce to lxde conversions
Version 7.9.1rc1
* Fixed Heartbleed bug
* Replaced backdrop image
Version 7.9
* Move leaflet demo to Portland
* Fix broken symlink for MB-System docs
* German translation updates
* Adjust installer scripts to fit on full DVD image
Version 7.9rc2
* Clean up ipython notebook startup and update rpy2
* Fix OSSIM raster demo histograms
* Create mini ISO for distribution
Version 7.9rc1
* All deb files moved to OSGeoLive PPA: release-7.9
* Documentation and Translations finalized
* Fixed openssh-server
* Added IPython documentation and geo-notebook
* Symlink cleanup
* Added post build check script
* Fixed postgis.jar link (#1310)
* UID,GID permission fixes
* drop vcredist_x86.exe (#1261)
* fix/install metadata (#1308)
* Added Leaflet menu item
* ZOO installation using deb file (#1290)
Version 7.9beta3
* OSSIM fixed not to conflict with OTB
* ZOO project updated
* QGIS plugins updated
* Added back legacy.sql for Kosmo, gvSIG, and gpsdrive (#1300)
* Changed featured city: Nottingham -> Portland
Version 7.9beta2
* Moved to xubuntu 12.04.4
* Updated IPython stack
* New version of Geomajas (1.14.0)
* Updated EOxServer to 0.3.2
* Updated gvSIG to 2.1.0
Version 7.9beta1
* Updated GeoServer to 2.4.4
* Updated MapServer to 6.4.1
* Updated rasdaman to 8.5.2
* New artwork
* IPython updates
* QGIS 2.0 plugins are in place
* Some GRASS extensions added
* Updated GeoNode to 2.0
* Spatialite now available from apt
* PostGIS 2.1 locale fixed
Version 7.9alpha3
* Updated GeoServer to 2.4.3
* Switched to OSGeoLive PPA release model (release/nightly)
* Removed UbuntuGIS from installers
* PostgreSQL upgraded to 9.3
* PostGIS upgraded to 2.1.1
* QGIS upgraded to 2.0.1
* OTB upgraded to 3.20.0
* pycsw upgraded to 1.6.1
* pgrouting upgraded to 2.0.0 final
* cmake backported to precise
* pgAdmin3 backported to precise
* spatialite now at 4.1.0
Version 7.9alpha2
* Updated ncWMS to v1.1.1
* Saga update to use gdal 1.10
* Renamed version to 7.9 codename "Arnulf"
* Moved to xubuntu 12.04.3
Version 7.5alpha1
* Added html5 presentation
* Updates from UbuntuGIS
Version 7.0
* fixed gdal tools qgis plugin (#1208)
* fixes for ipython+grass startup scripts
* various doc and polishing fixes
Version 7.0rc1
* updated win and mac docs (#1209)
* leaflet installer fixed to pull the last version
* minor fix for iris: libudunits2-dev package is installed
* python-kml added (#1172)
* restored qgis manual (#1164)
* fixed several sphinx warings
* documentation finalized for 7.0 release
Version 7.0beta3
* ipython ported from raring to precise (#1183)
* ossim fixed (#1159)
* KDE icons back on the menu (#1193)
* libLAS included from UbuntuGIS (#1181)
* new disk usage tools (#1194)
* rasdaman creates less log noise (#1190)
* Marble-Qt upgraded to last version (#1165)
* psql db size fixed (#1189)
* removed tomcat6 war files to save disk space (#1185)
* openlayers menu item restored (#1184)
* various doc warnings and errors fixed
* GeoNode: fixed permissions for uploaded files
* Rasdaman: Enabling webgl in firefox which is needed for 3d bgs demo
Version 7.0beta2
* GRASS updated to 6.4.3 final
* Completed GeoNode setup (#1168)
* Fixed GeoNetwork icon (#1178)
* Updated QGIS plugins for 7.0
* Updated GeoServer to 2.3.4 release
* Updated Ohloh metrics for OSGeo-Live 7.0
* Fixed ZOO demo (#1137)
* iPython added to the disk as its own installer
* Kosmo: creating desktop file from within the installer (#1166)
Version 7.0beta1
* iPython added
* Fixed GeoNode installation (#1150)
* Added new disk probe code
* Fixed Kosmo icon link
* OpenCPN: pre-seed gpsd connection
* rpy2 by apt, netcdf, saga R packages enabled
* license cleanup in scripts
* MapBender updated to version
* Updated leaflet to 0.6.2 using ppa
* commented out ossim-orthoigen command (#1159, causing memory corruption)
* Fix for 000-default not being a symlink, (#1162)
* Installing django 1.5.1 from ppa
* re-enabled Shift-NumLock for the X11 keypad-mouse and Ctrl-Alt-Backspace to kill the X session
* Update to use newest version of cartaro (1.0)
* enable jsonp only when geoserver is started through cartaro startup scripts
* Updated OpenLayers to 2.13.1
* Updated osm datasets and databases
* Fixed PostGIS packaging (#1154)
* 52N WSS retired
* mapnik style tweaks to do with the switch from spherical merc postgis OSM db to lat/long one
* Updated Kosmo Desktop package to new 3.0 release (#1146)
Version 7.0alpha3
* tomcat6 is disabled by default to save memory (#1032)
* libecw and mrsid libraries removed from disk (#1147)
* GeoNode project added
* nvWMS project added
* Iris project added
* GeoNetwork upgraded to 2.10
* pycsw upgraded to 1.6.0
* Indonesian translation started
* bumped MB-System to new build (copyright issue fixed)
* fixed disk space probe (#1142)
* new quickstart for new Mapbender3 version
* Added installation script for Django (#1047)
* Upgraded EOxServer to version 0.3.0 (#1135)
* enabled submenus for Cartaro and Geomajas (#1062)
* Added new MapFish launchers in correct menu
* Allow tomcat6 service to be started/stoped from all users (#1141)
* Renamed Geonetwork menu items and launch firefox when GeoNetwork starts (#756)
* updated pgRouting to v2.0.0-alpha from PPA and using CREATE EXTENSION pgrouting
* updated gvSIG 2.0
* updated to latest udig (1.4.0)
* updated saga to version 2.1.0rc2
Version 7.0alpha2
* osm: gosmore, osmarender removed
* eoxserver: django updated to 1.5.1
* MB-System: switch to .deb packages with shared libraries
* leafpad added
* cartaro update to latest version
* Mapbender update to
* Geoserver updated to 2.3.2
* pycsw updated to 1.4.2
* new artwork for 7.0
* GeoKetle updated to 2.5
* OpenJump updated to 1.5
* rasdaman build now fixed (#1130)
Version 7.0alpha1
* trunk is open for 7.0 development
* mb-system: bump to latest stable version
* gpsdrive: use WGS84/LL postgis DB, obviating the need for the dupe spherical merc postgis DB
* ossim: comment out Cape Cod satellite data to save disc space
* docs: Detect full or mini iso, adjust symlinks/placeholders for download dirs to suit; set xfce4-Terminal toolbar off by default
* spatialite: quote path variables
* qgis: pre-seed connection details for all the PostGIS and Spatialite DBs we can find
* tilemill: smerc DB is disabled, switch to 4326 instead
* postgis: OSM smerc DB is disabled, switch to 4326 instead
* grass: work in progress: North Carolina dataset replaced by user-run import script from shapefiles and geotiffs on the disc
* Updated osgeo sponsors
* add user to the plugdev group for usb GPSs etc. (#1120)
* mb-system: add libparallel-forkmanager-perl pkg dep for parallelization functionality
Version 6.5
* new fix for users group issue (#1104)
Version 6.5rc2
* Fix for installers pages (#1102)
* Upgraded to base Xubuntu 12.04.2
* New kernel added support for Secure Boot
* Fix for users group issue (#1104)
Version 6.5rc1
* docs and translations completed for 6.5 release
* NC dataset cleanup
* ossim fixes applied
* updated mac and windows installers list
* pgrouting fixed for postgis2.0 (legacy.sql)
* qgis plugins updated
* 52North WPS updated to 3.1.0
* gvsig fixed for postgis2.0 (legacy.sql)
* various permission fixes
* rasdaman demo applications fixed
* viking bugfix
* opencpn bugfix
* mapbender database issue fixed
* eoxserver apache fix for number of processes
* major quickstart reviews due to our hackathlon
* tilemill db pre-seeding added
Version 6.5beta2
* Rasdaman fixes
* Cartaro persmission issues fixed
* legacy sql added for Natural Earth db in order for older applications to work with PostGIS 2.0
* try legacy.sql for all until Kosmo and gvSIG catch up (the ongoing saga of #1059)
* Mapserver updated to 6.2
* GeoServer permission issues fixed
* GpsDrive: tweak code to be more compatible with PostGIS 2.0
* OSM: recenter map on East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham
* PostGIS: vacuum analyze the populated OSM dbs
* mapnik is working with PostGIS 2.0 again (#1059), recenter on East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham
* mb-system: new upstream release came out and the removed the old source. move to a stashed copy of the old version at d.o.o
* add user to the fuse group, so they can use sshfs, mountiso, etc.
* i3geo is included as beta until 7.0
* pycsw is now in UbuntuGIS repositories
Version 6.5beta1
* Added ogrinfo option to create .qix files instead of atlasstyler
* Updated Sahana to use PostGIS-2.0 & current code
* Updated artwork for 6.5
* Ushahidi fixed and updated to current version
* Mapfish issues fixed.
Version 6.5alpha6
* Upgraded GeoServer to 2.2.2
* i3geo fixed
* Cartaro installation not breaking GeoServer anymore
* Tilemill fixed
* EOxServer updated to 0.2.3 (moved from sqlite to postgis)
* QGIS-Server updated to Natural Earth 2 data
* osm2pgsql updated to 0.81 for PostGIS 2.0
* imposm added
Version 6.5alpha5
* Feature Freeze
* MapBender switched to v2
* NaturalEarth 2 fixes for various projects
* Spatialite download path fixed
* GeoServer fixes
* Cartaro fixes
* i3geo fixes
Version 6.5alpha4
* Added Tilemill project
* Added Cartaro project
* Added i3geo project
* Retired AtlasStyler
* Retired Geopublisher
* Updated NaturalEarth to v2.0
* Updated MapBender to v3.0
* Updated EOxServer
* Recategorized OSGeoLive Projects in docs
* Updated MapProxy to v1.5.0
* Updated gvSIG version to 1.12
Version 6.5alpha3
* Fixed PostGIS 2.0
Version 6.5alpha2
* Move to PostGIS 2.0
* Upgraded pycsw to 1.4.0
Version 6.5alpha1
* Switched to Xubuntu 12.04.1 base system
Version 6.0
* Tagged rc1 as final
Version 6.0rc1
* emergency bugfix release of mb-system
* mysql work-around for chroot #969
* re-removed kernel headers
* fixed ownership issues with UID 1000
* added new method to create full iso based on mini iso
* updated screenshots for 6.0
Version 6.0beta10
* UTF fix for chroot
* Permission fixes so that nothing owned by users outside /home
* rasdaman activated again after fixes
* fixed installer from coming up at boot time
* live session user is now called "user" and has a password
* Fix issue #969 relating to a missing folder
* Geonetwork fixed #990
Version 6.0beta9
* Switched to chroot build method
* Fix for launchers missing #980
* Fix for postgis #983
* Live session user is now called "user"
* Lots of translation work
Version 6.0beta8
* Rasdaman fix applied
* EOxServer updated
* trying GDM as default to fix iso creation problem
Version 6.0beta7
* Geomoose: update 'Metro Base Maps' layer to point to new source
* ossim: comment out 1.8.12 tarball compiled against the wrong ubuntu
* Rasdaman: delete FIXME commits etc accroding to #972 for RC
* Lots of documentation updates
Version 6.0beta6
* fixed gdebi issue
Version 6.0beta5
* Udig now ported to openjdk7
* Geomajas fixed to work with common JAI
* GRASS permission issue temporary workaround
* Tilelite demo fixed
* Rasdaman fix using rasmgr.conf method
* Sahana fixed
* Deegree fixed and updated to 3.2-pre9
* Tilemill initial installation script added
* ZOO and Rasdaman in incubation (docs)
* Geomajas graduated (docs)
* PostGIS graduated (docs)
Version 6.0beta4
* remastersys method now is dist
* samba removed to save space
* moved from data Beijing to Nottigham
* gosmore fixed
* lots of space optimizations
* udig now does not use custom jre
* OSGeoLive is now including only openjdk7
* duplicate sphinx images bug fixed
* prune renamed to gpsprune
* rasdaman fix included to rasmgr.conf
* home dir is moved to /etc/skel for iso building
* added tilemill as an optional application
* new QGIS plugins with Sextante added
Version 6.0beta3
* ossim-core added
* josm fixed
* gosmore removed until new deb is available
* rasdaman demo fixed
* zygrib downgrade
* mb-system installation fixed
* documentation updated
Version 6.0beta2
* Rasdaman fixed (#934)
* fixed sphinx markup
* ZOO-project demo fixed (#929)
* gvSIG openjdk7 issue fixed
* Geonetwork map issue fixed (#932)
* QGIS permission issue fixed (#914)
* updated ubuntu manual to 12.04
* Fixed the spatialite launchers prob (#935)
* blueman removed (#945)
* josm fix applied (#933)
* Mapfish fixed.
Version 6.0beta1
* Upgraded OpenLayers to 2.12
* spatialite_gui fixed
* Upgraded Mapbender version to 2.7.3 and added WMS 1.3.0
* JAVA_HOME fixed by soft link of openjdk7 to default-java (#915)
* gvSIG removed until there is a fix for java 7
* fixed petascope setupdb for rasdaman
* zygrib desktop icon fixed
* fixed Maptiler desktop launcher installation
* Upgraded mapproxy to 1.4.0
* minor data and script cleanups
* documentation updated
Version 6.0alpha4
* postgis data fixes for Beijing
* opencpn update
* gvsig installation fixed
* fix the inconsistency issue of libtiff4-dev and libjpeg62-dev
* rasdaman switched to openjdk7
* osm data install path tweaks
* work around osm2pgsql bug in Ubuntu 12.04
* enable gpsdrive download
* added eoxserver as beta installer
Version 6.0alpha3
* switched to openjdk7
* mapnik package name fixed
* fix for #902 (http 404 if user selects same language twice)
* fix for spatialite
* updated OSM
* pgRouting fixed to use Postgres 9.1
* Added data for Feature_city
* Update to 52nWPS
* Fix for OTB
* definition of USER_NAME in main.sh
* Osmosis added
* OSM extract for Beijing ready
Version 6.0alpha2
* updated Postgres to 9.1
* fix for Xubuntu window resizing
* PostGIS installed from mainline
* fix to get sphinx build back working
* new stable release for mb-system
Version 6.0alpha1
* Upgrading to Xubuntu 12.04 LTS
Version 5.5
* Documentation updates
Version 5.5rc2
* Many translation updates
* Updated QGIS plugins
* QGIS update to 1.7.4
* Updated Windows/Mac installers
* mbsystem is go for release
* added setuptools to mapFish install so it doesn't rely on QGIS installing
* Changed iso bootloader version number
* Added alternative PPA to install sun java
Version 5.5rc1
* 52NorthWPS fixed
* zyGrib installation fixed
Version 5.5beta5
* MetaCRS fixed
* R problematic mirror fixed
* pycsw installation fixed
* deegree installation fixed
Version 5.5beta4
* Documentation updates
* New Desktop Image
* New VMWare Quickstart
* QGIS tutorial link
* Various fixes to Tomcat based software
Version 5.5beta3
* Documentation updates
* Fixed various Tomcat conflicts
* Removed experimental script for Mapguide
Version 5.5beta2
* OpenJDK 7 installation script
* openjump 1.5 installer updated
* update mapproxy install script to final 1.3.0
* OSM POIs for Denver
* updated to version 1.4 for naturalearth
* Updated OpenLayers install script to version 2.11
* Added pycsw to list of projects
* Updated QGIS to 1.7.3-2
Version 5.5beta1
* upgrade geoserver from 2.1.1 to 2.1.3
Version 5.0
* Fixes to Tomcat based apps to fight fslint changing permissions in the iso.
Version 5.0rc4
25 August 2011
* Fixes to Geomajas and Rasdaman
* Logout and Shutdown shortcut workaround for ISO
Version 5.0rc3a
23 August 2011
* Build with fix to rasdaman for checking space
Version 5.0rc2
22 August 2011
* Updated translations, screen shots
* Fixes to most outstanding bugs
* Extensive testing passed
* Menus and launchers revised
Version 5.0rc1
15 August 2011
* Doc generation fixes
* Additional translation
* Corrections to space saving
* Fixes to several applications that failed in beta5
Version 5.0beta5
11 August 2011
* Space saving cleanup
* More Translations, Minor fixes to Doc generation
* Vm, mini and full ISO built
Version 5.0beta4
6 August 2011
* Fresh downloads (no cache)
* ISO and VM to be built
* Updated Docs
* Updated Translations
* Minor Fixes to UDig, QGIS, R
Version 5.0beta3
30 July 2011
* Fresh downloads (no cache)
* ISO and VM to be built
* Updated Docs
* Updated Translations
Version 5.0beta2
24 July 2011
* New Geomoose, Updated SAGA
* Fixes UDig, 52North
* Updated Docs
* Updated Translations
Version 5.0~beta1
16 July 2011
* Updated Documentation
* Updated Translations
* New Liblas
* Draft Artwork
* Revised R packages
Version: 5.0alpha
5 July 2011
* Xubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal
* Updated translations
* Updated documentation licensing
* New Pycsw, Mapproxy, TinyOWS
Version: 4.5
17 March 2011
* Icon Fixes
* Download Corrections
* Update Documentation and Translation
* Using cached build folders
Version: 4.5rc3
14 March 2011
* Fix for iso build
* Updates to translations
* Using cached build folders
Version: 4.5rc1
9 March 2011
* Multiple updated Overview, Quickstart and Translations
* All Critical tickets fixed
* Using cached build folders
Version: 4.5beta3
3 March 2011
* Multiple updated Overview, Quickstart and Translations
* Fixes to Mapfish, Saga, Zoo, Geomajas, Atlasstyler, QGIS Plugins
* Using cached build folders.
Version: 4.5beta2
23 February 2011
* Multiple updated Overview, Quickstart and Translations
* Fixes to Mapfish, 52North, Rasdaman, and a few other minor edits
* Retrying build after beta1 failed to get GPG keys for packages
Version: 4.5alpha3
14 February 2011
* Updated Applications - Geonetwork, Mapfish, OpenLayers
* Multiple updated Overview, Quickstart and Translations
* Fixes to Sahana, 52North, Rasdaman
Version: 4.5alpha2
5 February 2011
* New Applications - Rasdaman, Orfeo, Prune
* First build with some translations of docs
Version: 4.1.svn
* Doc translations
* Most html now rewritten in reST format
* Merge duplicate files in ISO (saving >600mb)
Version: 4.0.1
28 August 2010
* New iso based on hand edits to 4.0rc9
* List of Corrections http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc/Errata/4.0.0
* Refreshed the Docs
* Set Firefox homepage
Version: 4.0rc9
13 August 2010
* Cut down on space by removing unecessary applications
* More updates to docs
* Cleanup of Geospatial Menu
Version: 4.0rc7
9 August 2010
* Lots of updates to docs
* Added welcome message
* Enabled Mac and Windows installers
Version: 4.0rc6
2 August 2010
* Fixes to outstanding bugs
* Lots of updates to docs and new docs
* Full list http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/log/livedvd/gisvm/trunk
Version: 4.0rc5
27 July 2010
* Fix for gpsdrive
* Conversion of most documents to rst format
* Documentation updates
* Minor fixes to sample data loading
Version: 4.0beta3
19 July 2010
* Documentation updates, including screenshots
* Fixes installers for SAGA, Mysql, etc.
* Sample data set cleaning
Version: 4.0beta2
12 July 2010
* Updates to documentation, workshops
* Change world data to 1:10 mil to save space
* Fixes to various app installers
Version: 4.0beta1(prev 4.0rc1)
5 July 2010
* 52nWPS installer added
* updated gvSIG sample project and install script
* updated QGIS plugin url from Massimo
* Updated Kosmo version from 2.0 RC1 to final 2.0 2
* Add MapGuide to desktop shortcut install script
* update for new Lucid dir structure
* fresh start on the desktop image
* fixup a few mapnik related issues
* Added MapGuide Open Source Windows Installer
* Fixes to Postgis/pgrouting/osm/mapnik related interactions
Version: 4.0alpha6
30 June 2010
Version: 4.0alpha5
28 June 2010
Version: 4.0alpha4
18 June 2010
Version: 4.0alpha3
16 June 2010
Partial build (ran out of disk space with 8Gig)
Version: 4.0alpha1
3 June 2010
Test build against xubuntu 10.04
Version: 3.0 Final
19 March 2010
* Various fixes to last few broken applications
* Updates to documentation, disclaimer, docs
* Updates to Win/Mac installers (partial)
* Include some additional test datasets (OSSIM)
Version: 3.0 rc5
15 March 2010
* Application fixes based on testing
* More clean-up, expansion of docs
* Clean-up of icons, desktop background, menus
* Dataset for OSSIM
* Automatic Login
* Fixed windows installers download
Version: 3.0 rc4
9 March 2010
* Fix for startup URL; added sleep before launching Firefox
* Made the osgeo logo brighter
* Mention tutorials and sample data
* Changed "Geo Tools" menu to "Spatial Tools" to avoid name conflict with the same named project
* Normalize icon names
* More css cleanup
* Forgot to turn on the language script even though it works
* Install docs before desktop so help icon exists; catch more sed errors
* Fix broken URLs, mixed versions
* Install liblapack.so for compiling RandomFields, Matrix; leave grass-dev installed
* Avoid a common false positive in the error log
* Autoremove isn't automatic anymore for some reason
* Desktop icon move fix
Version: 3.0 rc3
6 March 2010
* Documentation and Menu Overhaul
* ISO will be built for testing apps.
Version: 3.0 rc2
16 February 2010
Interim release
Feature Freeze
Version: 3.0 rc1
8 February 2010
Feature Freeze
Version: 3.0 alpha 5
5 February 2010
Some bugs fixed, not all scripts tested.
Version: 3.0 alpha 4
Headless builds (with logs)
Version: 3.0 alpha 2 & 3
14 Jan 2010
Some bug fixes in the build process
Version: 3.0 alpha 1
10 January 2010
Rebuilt using Xubuntu 9.10.
No bugs were fixed.
Version: 2.0.3
October 2009
This stable release was handed out at the international FOSS4G 2009 conference. http://2009.foss4g.org
Version: 2.0 alpha 5
13 September 2009
This is an early release, for builders to test functionality and is expected
to still have lots of bugs.
This version is build almost completely from the main.sh script for the first
time. It has fixed installers for:
* Deegree
* GeoServer
* PostGIS
It now includes gpsdrive.
Version: 2.0 alpha 4
11 September 2009
This version is build entirely from install scripts. It has not been tested
and is for developers to test functionality. It has some reduced functionality
from alpha 1 for PostGIS, GeoServer and Mapserver, which were previously
configured manually.
Version: 2.0 alpha 2 & 3
Internal Releases
Version: 2.0 alpha 1
11 September 2009
This version is a combination of packages installed onto the Arramgong 2008
Live DVD and GISVM and was build mainly by manually installing each package.