GEOS  3.9.1dev
Namespaces | Classes
geos::io Namespace Reference

Contains the interfaces for converting JTS objects to and from other formats. More...


 Constant values used by the WKB format.


class  ByteOrderDataInStream
 Allows reading an stream of primitive datatypes from an underlying istream, with the representation being in either common byte ordering. More...
class  ByteOrderValues
 Methods to read and write primitive datatypes from/to byte sequences, allowing the byte order to be specified. More...
class  CLocalizer
class  ParseException
 Notifies a parsing error. More...
class  StringTokenizer
class  Unload
class  WKBReader
 Reads a Geometry from Well-Known Binary format. More...
class  WKBWriter
 Writes a Geometry into Well-Known Binary format. More...
class  WKTReader
 WKT parser class; see also WKTWriter. More...
class  WKTWriter
 Outputs the textual representation of a Geometry. See also WKTReader. More...
class  Writer

Detailed Description

Contains the interfaces for converting JTS objects to and from other formats.

The Java Topology Suite (JTS) is a Java API that implements a core set of spatial data operations usin g an explicit precision model and robust geometric algorithms. JTS is intended to be used in the devel opment of applications that support the validation, cleaning, integration and querying of spatial data sets.

JTS attempts to implement the OpenGIS Simple Features Specification (SFS) as accurately as possible. In some cases the SFS is unclear or omits a specification; in this case JTS attempts to choose a reasonable and consistent alternative. Differences from and elaborations of the SFS are documented in this specification.

Package Specification