GEOS  3.9.1dev
Classes | Functions
geos::operation::buffer Namespace Reference

Provides classes for computing buffers of geometries. More...


class  BufferBuilder
 Builds the buffer geometry for a given input geometry and precision model. More...
class  BufferInputLineSimplifier
 Simplifies a buffer input line to remove concavities with shallow depth. More...
class  BufferOp
 Computes the buffer of a geometry, for both positive and negative buffer distances. More...
class  BufferParameters
 Contains the parameters which describe how a buffer should be constructed. More...
class  BufferSubgraph
 A connected subset of the graph of DirectedEdge and geomgraph::Node. More...
class  OffsetCurveBuilder
 Computes the raw offset curve for a single Geometry component (ring, line or point). More...
class  OffsetCurveSetBuilder
 Creates all the raw offset curves for a buffer of a Geometry. More...
class  OffsetSegmentGenerator
class  OffsetSegmentString
class  RightmostEdgeFinder
 A RightmostEdgeFinder find the geomgraph::DirectedEdge in a list which has the highest coordinate, and which is oriented L to R at that point. (I.e. the right side is on the RHS of the edge.) More...
class  SubgraphDepthLocater
 Locates a subgraph inside a set of subgraphs, in order to determine the outside depth of the subgraph. More...


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const BufferSubgraph &bs)
bool BufferSubgraphGT (BufferSubgraph *first, BufferSubgraph *second)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const OffsetSegmentString &lst)

Detailed Description

Provides classes for computing buffers of geometries.

Function Documentation

bool geos::operation::buffer::BufferSubgraphGT ( BufferSubgraph first,
BufferSubgraph second 

Referenced by geos::operation::buffer::BufferSubgraph::getDirectedEdges().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

std::ostream& geos::operation::buffer::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const BufferSubgraph bs 
std::ostream& geos::operation::buffer::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const OffsetSegmentString lst 