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1# document? slug version Quickstart? Overview? Section last One Liner OpenHub name URL kind nameISO
2# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
4# Desktop GIS
6# OSGeo Projects
7Y grass 8.2.1 Y Y Desktop GIS grass_gis https://grass.osgeo.org/ OSGeo_project GRASS GIS Y
8Y gvsig 2.4.0 Y Y Desktop GIS gvsig-desktop-2 http://www.gvsig.com/es OSGeo_project gvSIG Desktop N
9Y qgis 3.28.5 Y Y Desktop GIS qgis https://www.qgis.org/en/site/ OSGeo_project QGIS Y
10# OSGeo Community
11# Others
12Y openjump 1.15.1 Y Y Desktop GIS openjump_gis http://www.openjump.org OpenJUMP GIS Y
13Y qfield 2.7.6 Y Y Desktop GIS qfield https://qfield.org/ QField N
14Y saga 8.2.2 Y Y Desktop GIS saga-gis https://saga-gis.sourceforge.io/en/index.html SAGA Y
15Y udig 2.0.0RC1 Y Y Desktop GIS udig http://udig.refractions.net/ uDig N
17# Browser Facing GIS
19# OSGeo Projects
20Y geomoose 3.10.1 Y Y Browser Facing GIS Web GIS Portal geomoose https://www.geomoose.org OSGeo_project GeoMoose Y
21Y geonode 3.3.2 Y Y Browser Facing GIS Geospatial Content Management System geonode https://geonode.org OSGeo_project GeoNode Y
22Y mapbender 3.3.3 Y Y Browser Facing GIS Geoportal Framework mapbender https://mapbender.org OSGeo_project Mapbender Y
23Y openlayers 6.14.1 Y Y Browser Facing GIS Browser Mapping Library openlayers https://openlayers.org/ OSGeo_project OpenLayers Y
24# OSGeo Community
25Y geostyler 9.0.0 Y Y Browser Facing GIS Generic Styler For Geodata GeoStyler https://geostyler.org OSGeo_community GeoStyler Y
26# Others
27Y cesium 1.106 Y Y Browser Facing GIS 3D globes and 2D maps in a browser cesiumjs https://cesium.com/ Cesium Y
28Y geoext 3.4.0 Y Y Browser Facing GIS JavaScript Toolkit Web Mapping geoext https://geoext.github.io/geoext GeoExt Y
29Y leaflet 1.7.1 Y Y Browser Facing GIS Mobile Friendly Interactive Maps Leaflet https://leafletjs.com Leaflet Y
31# Web Services
33# OSGeo Projects
34Y deegree 3.4.32 Y Y Web Services OGC Web Services deegree3 http://www.deegree.org OSGeo_project deegree Y
35Y geonetwork 3.2.1 Y Y Web Services Metadata Catalogue geonetwork-opensource https://geonetwork-opensource.org OSGeo_project GeoNetwork Y
36Y geoserver 2.22.2 Y Y Web Services OGC Web Services geoserver https://geoserver.org/ OSGeo_project GeoServer Y
37Y mapcache 1.12.0 Y Y Web Services OGC Web Services mapcache https://mapserver.org/mapcache OSGeo_project MapCache Y
38Y mapserver 8.0.1 Y Y Web Services OGC Web Services mapserver https://mapserver.org OSGeo_project MapServer Y
39Y pycsw 2.6.1 Y Y Web Services Metadata Catalogue pycsw https://pycsw.org/ OSGeo_project pycsw Y
40Y pywps 4.5.1 Y Y Web Services Web Processing Service pyWPS https://pywps.org/ OSGeo_project PyWPS Y
41# OSGeo Community
42Y istsos 2.4.0 Y Y Web Services Sensor Observation Service istsos http://istsos.org OSGeo_community istSOS Y
43Y mapproxy 1.15.1 Y Y Web Services Proxy WMS & tile services mapproxy https://mapproxy.org/ OSGeo_community MapProxy Y
44Y pygeoapi 0.15.0 Y Y Web Services OGC Web Services pygeoapi https://pygeoapi.io/ OSGeo_project pygeoapi Y
45Y zoo-project 1.9.0 Y Y Web Services Web Processing Service zoo-project http://zoo-project.org/ OSGeo_incubation Zoo Project Y
46# Others
47Y actinia 4.2.0 Y Y Web Services Processing of Geographical Data actinia_core https://actinia.mundialis.de/ OSGeo_community actinia N
48Y eoxserver 1.1.2 Y Y Web Services Web Coverage Service eoxserver https://docs.eoxserver.org/en/stable/ EOxServer Y
49Y ETF 2.0.0 Y Y Web Services Testing framework for validating spatial data, metadata and web services in Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) etf-validator https://github.com/etf-validatorETF N
50Y qgis_mapserver 3.22.7 Y Y Web Services Web Map Service https://www.qgis.org/en/site/ QGIS Server Y
51Y re3gistry 2.4.2 Y Y Web Services Management of reference codes re3gistry https://github.com/ec-jrc/re3gistry Re3gistry N
52Y t-rex 0.14.3 Y Y Web Services Vector Tile Service t-rex https://t-rex.tileserver.ch/ t-rex Y
53Y 52nSOS 5.5.1 Y Y Web Services Sensor Observation Service SensorObservationService https://52north.org/software/software-projects/sos 52 North SOS N
54Y 52nWPS 3.6.3 Y Y Web Services Web Processing Service n52-wps https://52north.org/software/software-projects/wps 52 North WPS Y
56# Data Stores
58# OSGeo Projects
59Y postgis 3.3.3 Y Y Data Stores Spatial Database postgis http://postgis.net OSGeo_project PostGIS Y
60# OSGeo Community
61Y pgrouting 3.4.2 Y Y Data Stores Routing for PostGIS pgrouting https://pgrouting.org/ OSGeo_community pgRouting Y
62Y rasdaman 10.0.0 Y Y Data Stores Multi-Dimensional Raster Database rasdaman https://rasdaman.org OSGeo_incubation Rasdaman N
63Y odc 1.8.9 Y Y Data Stores Time-Series Database odc https://www.opendatacube.org OSGeo_community Open Data Cube Y
64# Others
65Y spatialite 5.0.0 Y Y Data Stores Lightweight Database spatialite http://www.gaia-gis.it/gaia-sins/ SpatiaLite Y
67# Navigation and Maps
69# OSGeo Projects
70Y marble 21.12.3 Y Y Navigation and Maps Virtual Globe marble https://marble.kde.org/ OSGeo_project Marble Y
71# OSGeo Community
72# Others
73Y ideditor 2.21.1 Y Y Navigation and Maps OpenStreetMap Web Editor iD_OSM https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/ID iD editor Y
74Y josm svn18360 Y Y Navigation and Maps OpenStreetMap Desktop Editor josm https://josm.openstreetmap.de JOSM Y
75Y gpsprune 21.1.0 Y Y Navigation and Maps View, Edit and Convert GPS Tracks gpsprune https://activityworkshop.net/software/gpsprune GpsPrune Y
76Y opencpn 5.6.2 Y Y Navigation and Maps Marine GPS Chartplotter opencpn https://www.opencpn.org OpenCPN Y
77Y osm josm (svn15937) Y Y Navigation and Maps OpenStreetMap Tools https://www.openstreetmap.org/ OpenStreetMap Y
79# Spatial Tools
81# OSGeo Projects
82N ossim 2.9.1 Y Y Spatial Tools Image Processing ossim http://www.ossim.org/ OSGeo_project OSSIM Y
83Y otb 8.1.0 Y Y Spatial Tools Image Processing otb https://www.orfeo-toolbox.org/ OSGeo_project OTB Y
84# OSGeo Community
85# Others
86Y gmt 6.3.0 Y Y Spatial Tools 11 Cartographic Rendering GMT https://www.generic-mapping-tools.org GMT N
87Y jupyter 4.9.1 Y Y Spatial Tools Mixing rich media in presentations jupyter_notebook https://jupyter.org/ Jupyter Notebook Y
88Y mapnik 3.1.0 Y Y Spatial Tools Cartographic Rendering mapnik https://mapnik.org/ Mapnik Y
89Y R 4.1.2 Y Y Spatial Tools Statistical Programming R_project https://cran.r-project.org R Y
91# Domain Specific GIS
93# OSGeo Projects
94# OSGeo Community
95# Others
96Y xygrib 1.2.6 Y Y Domain Specific GIS Weather Forecast Maps https://opengribs.org/en XyGrib Y
98# Data
100# OSGeo Projects
101# OSGeo Community
102# Others
103Y naturalearth N Y Data Global Data Sets https://www.naturalearthdata.com/ Natural Earth Y
104Y nc_dataset N Y Data https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Category:Education North Carolina USA Educational dataset Y
105Y netcdf_dataset N Y Data Time series temperature and precipitation https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Category:Education NetCDF Data Set Y
106Y osm_dataset N Y Data Sample extract from OpenStreetMap https://www.openstreetmap.org/ OpenStreetMap Y
108# Geospatial Libraries
110# OSGeo Projects
111Y gdal 3.6.4 Y Y Geospatial Libraries Geospatial Data Translation Tools gdal https://gdal.org/ OSGeo_project GDAL/OGR Y
112Y geos 3.11.1 N Y Geospatial Libraries C/C++ Spatial Library geos https://trac.osgeo.org/geos OSGeo_project GEOS Y
113Y geotools NA N Y Geospatial Libraries Java GIS Toolkit geotools https://geotools.org/ OSGeo_project GeoTools Y
114Y proj 9.1.1 Y Y Geospatial Libraries Coordinate Reference System Libraries proj https://proj.org/ OSGeo_project PROJ Y
115# OSGeo Community
116# Others
117Y jts NA N Y Geospatial Libraries Java Topology Suite jts-topo-suite https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/locationtech.jts JTS Y
118N pdal 2.5.0 Y Y Geospatial Libraries Pointcloud and LiDAR Data Access pdal https://pdal.io PDAL Y
120# Geospatial Standards
122# Others
123Y ogc NA N Y Geospatial Standards Open Geospatial Consortium https://www.ogc.org OGC Y
124Y inspire NA N Y Geospatial Standards Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe https://inspire.ec.europa.eu/about-inspire/563 INSPIRE Y
128N mapslicer 1.0rc2 Y Y Spatial Tools Create Map Tiles https://mapproxy.org/ MapSlicer Y
129N geomajas 2.4.0 Y Y Browser Facing GIS Browser GIS Client geomajas http://www.geomajas.org OSGeo_project Geomajas Y
130N liblas 1.8.1 Y Y Geospatial Libraries LiDAR Data Access liblas https://liblas.org/ libLAS N
131N 52nWSS retired Y Y 6.5 Web Security Service, retired after OSGeoLive 6.5 http://52north.org/security 52 North WSS N
132N atlasstyler retired Y Y 6 Style Editor, retired after OSGeoLive 6.0 Geopublishing http://en.geopublishing.org/AtlasStyler AtlasStyler N
133N cartaro retired Y Y 10 Geospatial CMS http://cartaro.org Cartaro N
134N geopublisher retired Y Y 6 Catalogue, retired after OSGeoLive 6.0 Geopublishing Geopublisher N
135N gpsdrive retired Y Y 9 GPS Navigation, retired after OSGeoLive 9.0 http://www.gpsdrive.de GpsDrive N
136N mapfish retired Y Y 7.9 Web Mapping Framework, retired after OSGeoLive 7.9 mapfish http://www.mapfish.org OSGeo_project MapFish N
137N mapguide retired Y Y 5 Web Service, not included after OSGeoLive 5.0 (to save disk space) mapguide https://mapguide.osgeo.org/ OSGeo_project MapGuide Open Source N
138N mapwindow retired Y Y Other software of interest (not available Live) Microsoft Windows based Desktop GIS mapwindow MapWindow GIS Lite N
139N tilemill retired Y Y 9.5 Styling and Publishing, retired after OSGeoLive 9.5 http://www.tilemill.com TileMill N
140N tomcat N N N
141N webworldwind Y Y http://webworldwind.org/ WebWorldWind N
142N geokettle retired Y Y Spatial Tools 11 ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) Tool geokettle http://www.geokettle.org/ GeoKettle N
143N iris retired Y Y Geospatial Libraries 11 Meteorology and Climatology python-iris http://scitools.org.uk/iris/ Iris N
144N metacrs retired N Y Geospatial Libraries 11 Coordinate Reference System Transformations http://trac.osgeo.org/metacrs/wiki OSGeo_incubation metaCRS N
145N mb-system retire? Y Y Domain Specific GIS 11 mb-system http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/res/pi/MB-System/ MB-System N
146N osgearth hide Y Y Domain Specific GIS 11 osgearth http://osgearth.org/ osgEarth N
147N sahana retired Y Y Domain Specific GIS 11 sahanapy http://www.sahanafoundation.org Sahana Eden N
148N ushahidi retired Y Y Domain Specific GIS 11 ushahidi http://www.ushahidi.com Ushahidi N
149N viking retired Y Y Navigation and Maps 11 GPS Data Analysis and Viewer viking http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/viking/ Viking N
150N worldwindjava Y Y Navigation and Maps 11 Desktop Virtual Globe http://goworldwind.org/ goWorldWind N
151N kosmo retired Y Y Desktop GIS kosmo_desktop http://www.opengis.es/index.php?lang=en Kosmo_desktop N
152N tinyows retire? Y Y Web Services WFS-T Service tinyows https://mapserver.org/tinyows/ OSGeo_project TinyOWS N
153N ncWMS 2.4.2 Y Y Web Services 15 Web Map Service ncwms https://reading-escience-centre.gitbooks.io/ncwms-user-guide/content/ ncWMS N